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libappstream-glib GObject library

This part documents GObjects and helpers used in libappstream-glib.

Table of Contents

AsApp — An object for an AppStream application or add-on
AsBundle — Object representing a single bundle used in a screenshot.
AsChecksum — Object representing a single checksum used in a release.
AsContentRating — Object representing a content rating
AsFormat — Object representing where information about a AsApp came from.
AsIcon — Object representing a single icon used in a screenshot.
AsImage — Object representing a single image used in a screenshot.
as-markup — Functions for managing AppStream description markup
AsRelease — Object representing a single upstream release
AsLaunchable — Object representing a way to launch the application.
AsProvide — Object representing a single object the application provides.
AsRequire — Object representing a single requirement.
AsScreenshot — Object representing a single screenshot
AsStore — a hashed array store of applications
AsProblem — Object representing a problem with an application
as-enums — Helper functions for converting to and from enum strings
as-node — A simple DOM parser
as-tag — Helper functions to convert to and from tag enums
AsTranslation — Object representing a single translation.
as-utils — Helper functions that are used inside libappstream-glib
as-version — Preprocessor macros for the libappstream-glib version
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