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Client-side proxies

TpConnectionManager — proxy object for a Telepathy connection manager
TpProtocol — proxy for a Telepathy Protocol object
TpConnection — proxy object for a Telepathy connection
TpContact — object representing a contact
TpCapabilities — object representing capabilities
Connection Aliasing interface — client-side wrappers for the Aliasing interface
Connection Avatars interface — client-side wrappers for the Avatars interface
Connection Balance interface — client-side wrappers for the Balance interface
Connection ClientTypes interface — client-side wrappers for the ClientTypes interface
Connection Contacts interface — client-side wrappers for the Contacts interface
Connection ContactInfo interface — client-side wrappers for the ContactInfo interface
Connection ContactList, ContactGroups and ContactBlocking interfaces — client-side wrappers for the ContactList, ContactGroups and ContactBlocking interfaces
Connection ContactCapabilities and Capabilities interfaces — client-side wrappers for the capabilities interfaces
Connection Location interface — client-side wrappers for the Location interface
Connection Requests interface — client-side wrappers for the Requests interface
Connection SimplePresence interface — client-side wrappers for the SimplePresence interface
Connection Presence interface — client-side wrappers for the Presence interface
Connection Cellular interface — client-side wrappers for the Cellular interface
Connection MailNotification interface — client-side wrappers for the MailNotification interface
Connection PowerSaving interface — client-side wrappers for the PowerSaving interface
Connection Addressing interface — client-side wrappers for the Addressing interface
Connection Renaming interface — client-side wrappers for the Renaming interface
Connection Sidecars interface — client-side wrappers for the Sidecars interface
TpContactSearch — object for a Telepathy contact search channel
TpContactSearchResult — a result of a contact search
TpChannel — proxy object for a Telepathy channel
Group and Conference interfaces on Channels — client-side wrappers for Group and Conference
Room-related interfaces on Channels — client-side wrappers for Room, RoomConfig and Subject
Text channels — client-side wrappers for the Text channel type, and the Chat State and Password interfaces
Media channels — client-side wrappers for the Streamed Media channel type, and the Call State, DTMF and Media Signalling interfaces
File transfer — client-side wrappers for the File Transfer channel type
Tubes channels — client-side wrappers for the Tubes channel type
Tube channels — client-side wrappers for the Tube channel interface, StreamTube channel type and DBusTube channel type.
Room List channels — client-side wrappers for the Room List channel type
Contact Search channels — client-side wrappers for the Contact Search channel type
Channel Authentication interfaces — client-side wrappers for authentication channels
Channel Call interfaces — client-side wrappers for call channels
Channel Call content interfaces — client-side wrappers for call contents
Channel Call stream interfaces — client-side wrappers for call streams
Channel Call misc interfaces — client-side wrappers for misc call interfaces
Connection and Channel Anonymity interfaces — client-side wrappers for the Anonymity interfaces
Connection and Channel ServicePoint interfaces — client-side wrappers for the ServicePoint interfaces
TpMediaSessionHandler, TpMediaStreamHandler — proxy objects for Telepathy media streaming
TpAccountManager — proxy object for the Telepathy account manager
TpAccount — proxy object for an account in the Telepathy account manager
TpAccountRequest — object for a currently non-existent account in order to create easily without speaking fluent D-Bus
TpChannelDispatcher — proxy object for the Telepathy channel dispatcher
TpChannelDispatchOperation — proxy object for a to the Telepathy channel dispatcher
TpChannelRequest — proxy object for a request to the Telepathy channel dispatcher
TpClient — proxy object for a client of the ChannelDispatcher
TpAccountChannelRequestObject used to request a channel from a TpAccount
TpStreamTubeChannel — proxy object for a stream tube channel
TpStreamTubeConnection — a connection on a Stream Tube
TpDBusTubeChannel — proxy object for D-Bus tube channels
TpClientChannelFactoryInterface — an interface for client channel factories
TpBasicProxyFactory — channel factory creating TpChannel objects
TpAutomaticProxyFactory — factory creating higher level proxy objects
TpSimpleClientFactorya factory for TpContacts and plain subclasses of TpProxy
TpAutomaticClientFactoryFactory for specialized TpChannel subclasses.
TpClientMessage — a message in the Telepathy message interface, client side
TpSignalledMessage — a message received using the Telepathy message interface
TpTextChannel — proxy object for a text channel
TpFileTransferChannel — proxy object for a file transfer channel
TpCallChannel — proxy object for a call channel
TpCallContent — proxy object for a call content
TpCallStream — proxy object for a call stream
Misc Call APIs — Misc generated APISs for Call
TpDebugClient — proxy objects for Telepathy debug information
TpDebugMessage — a debug message
TpRoomList — proxy object for a room list channel
TpRoomInfoa room found by TpRoomList
TpTLSCertificate — proxy object for a server or peer's TLS certificate
TpTLSCertificateRejection — a certificate rejection
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