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7.6.2 When Compared With Ispell

Now for comparison purposes, here is the same information from the Ispell ‘english.aff’ compression file which was used as the basis for the OOo one.

flag *D:
    E           >       D               # As in create > created
    [^AEIOU]Y   >       -Y,IED          # As in imply > implied
    [^EY]       >       ED              # As in cross > crossed
    [AEIOU]Y    >       ED              # As in convey > conveyed

The Ispell information has exactly the same information but in a slightly different (case-insensitive) format:

Here are the ways to see the mapping from Ispell .aff format to our OOo format.

  1. The Ispell english.aff has flag D under the "suffix" section so you know it is a suffix.
  2. The D is the character assigned to this suffix
  3. *’ indicates that it can be combined with prefixes
  4. Each line following the : describes the affix entries needed to define this suffix
    • The first field is the conditions that must be met.
    • The second field is after the > if a "-" occurs is the string to strip off (can be blank).
    • The third field is the string to add (the affix)

In addition all chars in Ispell aff files are in uppercase.

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