| Index Entry | | Section |
T | | |
| tags | | 18.1 Interfacing to etags |
| ‘TAGS’ support | | 18.1 Interfacing to etags |
| tar formats | | 17.2 List of Automake options |
| tar-pax | | 17.2 List of Automake options |
| tar-ustar | | 17.2 List of Automake options |
| tar-v7 | | 17.2 List of Automake options |
| Target, install-info | | 11.1 Texinfo |
| Target, install-man | | 11.2 Man Pages |
| test case | | 15.1 Generalities about Testing |
| Test case result, registering | | Log files generation and test results recording |
| test failure | | 15.1 Generalities about Testing |
| test harness | | 15.1 Generalities about Testing |
| test metadata | | 15.2.3 Parallel Test Harness |
| test pass | | 15.1 Generalities about Testing |
| Test result, registering | | Log files generation and test results recording |
| test skip | | 15.1 Generalities about Testing |
| Test suites | | 15 Support for test suites |
| Tests, expected failure | | 15.2.1 Scripts-based Testsuites |
| testsuite harness | | 15.1 Generalities about Testing |
| Testsuite progress on console | | 15.2.1 Scripts-based Testsuites |
| Texinfo flag, EDITION | | 11.1 Texinfo |
| Texinfo flag, UPDATED | | 11.1 Texinfo |
| Texinfo flag, UPDATED-MONTH | | 11.1 Texinfo |
| Texinfo flag, VERSION | | 11.1 Texinfo |
| ‘texinfo.tex’ | | 11.1 Texinfo |
| TEXINFOS primary, defined | | 11.1 Texinfo |
| third-party files and CVS | | Third-party Files |
| Third-party packages, interfacing with | | 23.2 Third-Party ‘Makefile’s |
| timestamps and CVS | | Background: CVS and Timestamps |
| Transforming program names | | 2.2.9 Renaming Programs at Install Time |
| trees, source vs. build | | 2.2.6 Parallel Build Trees (a.k.a. VPATH Builds) |
| true Example | | 4.2 Building true and false |
U | | |
| underquoted AC_DEFUN | | 6.3.3 Writing your own aclocal macros |
| unexpected pass | | 15.1 Generalities about Testing |
| unexpected test pass | | 15.1 Generalities about Testing |
| Unified Parallel C support | | 8.12 Unified Parallel C Support |
| Uniform naming scheme | | 3.3 The Uniform Naming Scheme |
| uninstall | | 2.2.2 Standard ‘Makefile’ Targets |
| uninstall | | 12.5 Install Rules for the User |
| uninstall | | 23.1 Extending Automake Rules |
| uninstall-hook | | 23.1 Extending Automake Rules |
| uninstall-local | | 23.1 Extending Automake Rules |
| Unit tests | | 15.2.3 Parallel Test Harness |
| Unpacking | | 2.2.1 Basic Installation |
| UPCFLAGS and AM_UPCFLAGS | | Compile Flag Variables |
| UPDATED Texinfo flag | | 11.1 Texinfo |
| UPDATED-MONTH Texinfo flag | | 11.1 Texinfo |
| Use Cases for the GNU Build System | | 2.2 Use Cases for the GNU Build System |
| user variables | | 3.6 Variables reserved for the user |
| Using aclocal | | 6 Scanning ‘configure.ac’, using aclocal |
| ustar format | | 17.2 List of Automake options |
V | | |
| v7 tar format | | 17.2 List of Automake options |
| Vala Support | | 8.17 Vala Support |
| variables, conflicting | | 23.1 Extending Automake Rules |
| Variables, overriding | | 3.1 General Operation |
| variables, reserved for the user | | 3.6 Variables reserved for the user |
| VERSION Texinfo flag | | 11.1 Texinfo |
| VERSION , prevent definition | | 6.4.1 Public Macros |
| ‘version.m4’, example | | 16 Rebuilding Makefiles |
| ‘version.sh’, example | | 16 Rebuilding Makefiles |
| versioned binaries, installing | | 23.1 Extending Automake Rules |
| VPATH builds | | 2.2.6 Parallel Build Trees (a.k.a. VPATH Builds) |
W | | |
| wildcards | | 27.3 Why doesn’t Automake support wildcards? |
| Windows | | 8.20 Support for executable extensions |
X | | |
| xfail | | 15.1 Generalities about Testing |
| xpass | | 15.1 Generalities about Testing |
Y | | |
| yacc , multiple parsers | | 8.8 Yacc and Lex support |
| YFLAGS and AM_YFLAGS | | Compile Flag Variables |
| ylwrap | | 8.8 Yacc and Lex support |
Z | | |
| zardoz example | | 4.1 A simple example, start to finish |