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In this section we will present an example of using RSA.

Let’s start by generating an RSA key in openssl:

$ openssl genrsa -out my_rsa_key.pem 1024

Our key will have 1024 bits (for the public modulus), and therefore RSA will only be able to work with bignums up to 1024 bits (128 bytes).

Now some Bigloo code that uses this key.

Start by loading the library.

(module rsa-example (library crypto))

Now read the key:

(define *key* (read-pem-key "my_rsa_key.pem"))
(define *public-key* (extract-public-rsa-key *key*))

The public portion of the key can be distributed:

;; publish the *public-key*:
(write-pem-key-string *public-key*)

Now let’s sign the message “My Important Message”. This message is sufficiently short to be signed directly, but in general it is better to get a hash of the message:

(define msg-hash (sha1sum "my message"))
(define msg-hash-bignum (octet-string->bignum msg-hash))

The result of sha1sum returns a human readable representation of the hash. It would hence be possible to transform it back to an internal representation before applying the octet-string->bignum function:

(define msg-hash-bignum (octet-string->bignum (string-hex-intern msg-hash)))

In our case both variants are small enough to fit into our keys. The latter version is however more often used.

Now that we have a message hash in bignum form we can sign it.

(define signature (rsa-sign *key* msg-hash-bignum))

The signature is again in bignum form. If needed there are several ways to transform it into string-form (for instance bignum->string or bignum->octet-string).

The signature can now be distributed. Anyone wanting to verify the signature simply has to create the same message-hash and call rsa-verify with our public key:

(rsa-verify *public-key* msg-hash-bignum signature) ⇒ #t

Encryption and decryption work in a similar way.

Suppose someone (let’s say “Alice”) wants to send us the following secret message “Cryptography”. The encryption and decryption functions work, similar to the signature functions, on bignums. We could, as before, simply transform this short string into a bignum and directly encrypt the bignum. This approach would however not work for longer strings. In the following we will present the generic version that works with strings of any size.

Public key cryptography is relatively slow and Alice thus starts by encrypting our message a fast block cipher with a “random” password:

(define encrypted (encrypt 'aes "Cryptography" "my random password"))

Alice can already send us the encrypted message. We will just not yet be able to decrypt it, as we don’t have the random password yet.

Alice now takes her random password string and encrypts it with our public key:

(define encrypted-key (rsa-encrypt *public-key* (octet-string->bignum "my random password")))

Alice simply sends us the encrypted-key. On our side we can now decrypt the key:

(define aes-key (bignum->octet-string (rsa-decrypt *key* encrypted-key)))

We can now decrypt the previously received message:

(decrypt 'aes aes-key encrypted) ⇒ "Cryptography"

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