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16.2 Exceptions

SRFI-18 function: current-exception-handler

Returns the current exception handler with is a 0-ary procedure.

SRFI-18 function: with-exception-handler handler thunk

Returns the result(s) of calling thunk with no arguments. The handler, which must be a procedure, is installed as the current exception handler in the dynamic environment in effect during the call to thunk. When possible, prefer with-handler to with-exception-handler because the former provides better debugging support and because its semantics is more intuitive.

bigloo form: with-handler handler body

Returns the result(s) of evaluating body. The handler, which must be a procedure, is installed as the current exception handler in the dynamic environment in effect during the evaluation of body. Contrarily to with-exception-handler, if an exception is raised, the handler is invoked and the value of the with-handler form is the value produced by invoking the handler. The handler is executed in the continuation of the with-handler form.

JVM note: When executed within a JVM, the form with-handler also catches Java exceptions.

Important note: Since Bigloo version 3.2c, error handlers are executed after the execution stack is unwound. Hence, error handlers are executed after protected blocks. For instance in the following code:

   (lambda (e) action)

The action is executed after protect.

SRFI-18 function: raise obj

Calls the current exception handler with obj as the single argument. obj may be any Scheme object. Note that invoking the current handler does not escape from the current computation. It is up the to handler to perform the escape. It an error, signaled by the runtime system, if the current exception handler returns.

(define (f n)
  (if (< n 0) (raise "negative arg") (sqrt n))))

(define (g)
  (bind-exit (return)
      (lambda (exc)
          (if (string? exc)
              (string-append "error: " exc)
              "unknown error")))
      (lambda ()
        (write (f 4.))
        (write (f -1.))
        (write (f 9.))))))

(g)  -| 2. and returns "error: negative arg"

The standard Bigloo runtime system uses the following classes for signaling errors and warnings:

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