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info bigloo
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The atomic types are the pre-existing ones, defined in the standard Bigloo’s library.

<atomic-type> → <bigloo-type> 
     | <c-type>                                   
<bigloo-type> → obj procedure 
     | pair | nil | pair-nil 
     | bint | blong | belong | bllong
     | bignum  |real | bbool | cnst          
     | bstring | ucs2string | bchar | bucs2
     | vector | tvector | struct        
     | tstruct | output-port | input-port    
     | binary-port | unspecified | symbol | keyword
     | cell | date | process | exit 
     | mutex | condvar | mmap
     | s8vector | u8vector | s16vector | u16vector
     | s32vector | u32vector | s64vector | u64vector
     | f32vector | f64vector
     | dynamic-env | opaque | foreign       
<c-type> → cobj char 
     | uchar | short    
     | ushort | int | uint | long
     | ulong | slong | elong | llong
     | bool | string 
     | file | double | float | void 
     | function

The type obj denotes the super type of all Bigloo types (i.e., all Bigloo types, such as procedure, pair, ...) is an obj. The type cobj denotes the super of all C types (i.e., all preexisting C types such as char, uchar, schar, short, ...). The type pair-nil denotes values that are either pairs or the () value.

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