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32.5.6 The Bigloo command line

If no input file is specified, Bigloo enters its interpreter. Here is the exhaustive list of Bigloo options and configuration variables:

usage: bigloo [options] [name.suf]

   -                                  Read source code on current input channel
   -help,–help                       This help message
   -help2                             The exhaustive help message
   -help-manual                       The help message formatted for the manual
   -o FILE                            Name the output FILE
   –to-stdout                        Write C code on current output channel
   -c                                 Suppress linking and produce a .o file
   -suffix SUFFIX                     Recognize suffix as Scheme source
   -afile FILE                        Name of the access file
   -access MODULE FILE                Set access between module and file
   -jfile FILE                        Name of the Jvm package file
   -jadd MODULE QTYPE                 Set JVM qualifed type name for module
   -main FUN                          Set the main function
   -with MODULE                       Import addition module
   -multiple-inclusion                Enables multiple inclusions of the Bigloo includes
   -library LIBRARY                   Compile/link with additional Bigloo library
   -srfi SRFI                         Declares srfi support
   -dload-sym                         Emit a Bigloo dynamic loading entry point
   -dload-init-sym NAME               Emit a Bigloo dynamic loading entry point, named NAME
   -dload-init-gc                     For GC initialization for dynamic code
   -heapsize SIZE                     Set the initial heap size value (in megabyte)

Configuration and path:
   -version                           The current release
   -revision                          The current release (short format)
   -query                             Dump the current configuration
   -q                                 Do not load any rc file
   -eval STRING                       Evaluate STRING before compiling
   -load FILE                         Load FILE before compiling
   -I DIR                             Add DIR to the load path
   -lib-dir DIR                       Set lib-path to DIR
   -L NAME                            Set additional library path
   -lib-version VERSION               Set the Bigloo library version
   -libgc-version VERSION             Set the Bigloo GC library version
   -libgc GC                          Use the given GC library

   -native                            Compile module to native object file (via C)
   -jvm                               Compile module to JVM .class files
   -saw                               Cut the AST in the saw-mill
   -no-saw                            Disable saw back-ends
   -i                                 Interprete module

   -snow                              Compiles a snow source code
   -scmpkg,-spi                       Compiles a ScmPkg source code
   -nil                               Evaluate ’() as #f in ‘if’ expression
   -call/cc                           Enable call/cc function
   -hygien                            Obsolete (R5rs macros are always supported)
   -fidentifier-syntax SYNTAX         Identifiers syntax "r5rs" (default) or "bigloo"
   -fno-reflection                    Deprecated
   +fno-reflection                    Deprecated
   -fclass-nil                        Deprecated
   -fno-class-nil                     Deprecated
   -farithmetic                       Suppress genericity of arithmetic operators
   -farithmetic-overflow              Suppress arithmetic overflow checks
   -fno-arithmetic-overflow           Enable arithmetic overflow checks
   -fcase-sensitive                   Case sensitive reader (default)
   -fcase-insensitive                 Case insensitive reader (downcase symbols)
   -fallow-type-redefinition          allow type redifinition

   -Obench                            Benchmarking mode
   -O[0..6]                           Optimization modes
   -fcfa-arithmetic                   Enable arithmetic spec. (see -farithmetic-overflow)
   -fno-cfa-arithmetic                Disable arithmetic spec.
   -fcfa-arithmetic-fixnum            Enable fixnum arithmetic spec.
   -fno-cfa-arithmetic-fixnum         Disable fixnum arithmetic spec.
   -fcfa-arithmetic-flonum            Enable flonum arithmetic spec. (enabled from -O2)
   -fno-cfa-arithmetic-flonum         Disable flonum arithmetic spec. 
   -fcfa-tracking                     Enable CFA tracking (enabled from -O2)
   -fnocfa-tracking                   Disable CFA tracking
   -fcfa-pair                         Enable CFA pairs approximations
   -fnocfa-pair                       Disable CFA pairs approximations
   -fcfa-unbox-closure-args           Enable CFA unboxed closure args (enabled from -O2)
   -fnocfa-unbox-closure-args         Disable CFA unboxed closure args
   -funroll-loop                      Enable loop unrolling (enabled from -O3)
   -fno-unroll-loop                   Disable loop unrolling
   -fno-loop-inlining                 Disable loop inlining
   -floop-inlining                    Enable loop inlining (default)
   -fno-inlining                      Disable inline optimization
   -fno-user-inlining                 Disable user inline optimization
   -fbeta-reduce                      Enable simple beta reduction (enabled from -O2)
   -fno-beta-reduce                   Disable simple beta reduction
   -fdataflow                         Enable dataflow optimizations (enabled from -O)
   -fno-dataflow                      Disable dataflow optimizations
   -fdataflow-for-errors              Enable dataflow optimizations for improviing type error messages
   -fno-dataflow-for-errors           Disable dataflow optimizations for improviing type error messages
   -fdataflow-types                   Enable type dataflow optimizations (enabled from -O2)
   -fno-dataflow-types                Disable type dataflow optimizations
   -finitflow                         Enable init flow
   -fno-initflow                      Disable init flow
   -fsync-failsafe                    Enable failsafe synchronize optimization
   -fno-sync-failsafe                 Disable failsafe synchronize optimization
   -fO-macro                          Enable Optimization macro (default)
   -fno-O-macro                       Disable Optimization macro
   -fglobal-tailc                     Enable global tail-call optimization
   -fno-global-tailc                  Disable global tail-call optimization
   -fsaw-realloc                      Enable saw register re-allocation
   -fsaw-regalloc                     Enable saw register allocation
   -fno-saw-regalloc                  Disable saw register allocation
   -fsaw-regalloc-msize SIZE          Set the register allocation body size limit
   -fsaw-regalloc-fun NAME            Allocate registers on this very function
   -fno-saw-regalloc-fun NAME         Don’t allocate registers on this very function
   -fsaw-regalloc-onexpr              Allocate registers on expressions
   -fno-saw-regalloc-onexpr           Don’t allocate registers on expressions

   -unsafe[atrsvleh]                  Don’t check [type/arity/range/struct/version/library/eval/heap]
   -safe[atrsvle]                     Enforce check [type/arity/range/struct/version/library/eval]

   -glines                            Emit # line directives
   -gbdb-no-line                      Don’t emit # line directives
   -gbdb[23]                          Compile with bdb debug informations
   -gself                             Enables self compiler debug options
   -gmodule                           Debug module initialization
   -gerror-localization               Localize error calls in the source code
   -gno-error-localization            Don’t localize error calls in the source code
   -gjvm                              Annote JVM classes for debug
   -gtrace[12]                        Producing stack traces
   -g[234]                            Produce Bigloo debug informations
   -cg                                Compile C files with debug option
   -export-all                        Eval export-all all routines
   -export-exports                    Eval export-exports all routines
   -export-mutable                    Enables Eval redefinition of all "::obj" routines

   -p[2g]                             Compile files for cpu profiling
   -pmem[2]                           Compile files for memory profiling
   -psync                             Profile synchronize expr (see $exitd-mutex-profile)

   -s                                 Be silent and inhibit all warning messages
   -v[23]                             Be verbose
   -hello                             Say hello
   -no-hello                          Dont’ say hello even in verbose mode
   -w                                 Inhibit all warning messages
   -wslots                            Inhibit overriden slots warning messages
   -Wvariables                        Enable overriden variable warning messages
   -Wtypes                            Enable type check warning messages
   -Wall                              warn about all possible type errors

Compilation modes:
   <-/+>rm                            Don’t or force removing .c or .il files
   -extend NAME                       Extend the compiler
   -fsharing                          Attempt to share constant data
   -fno-sharing                       Do not attempt to share constant data
   -fmco                              Produce an .mco file
   -fmco-include-path DIR             Add dir to mco C include path

Native specific options:
   -cc COMPILER                       Specify the C compiler
   -stdc                              Generate strict ISO C code
   -copt STRING                       Invoke cc with STRING
   -cheader STRING                    C header
   -cfoot STRING                      C foot
   -ldopt STRING                      Invoke ld with STRING
   -ldpostopt STRING                  Invoke ld with STRING (end of arguments)
   –force-cc-o                       Force the C compiler to use -o instead of mv
   -ld-relative                       Link using -l notation for libraries (default)
   -ld-absolute                       Link using absolute path names for libraries
   -static-bigloo                     Link with the static bigloo library
   -static-all-bigloo                 Link with static version of all bigloo libraries
   -ld-libs1                          Add once user libraries when linking
   -ld-libs2                          Add twice user libraries when linking (default)
   -lLIBRARY                          Link with host library
   -auto-link-main                    Enable main generation when needed for linking
   -no-auto-link-main                 Disable main generation

Jvm specific options:
   -jvm-shell SHELL                   Shell for JVM scripts ("sh", "msdos")
   -jvm-purify                        Produce byte code verifier compliant JVM code (default)
   -no-jvm-purify                     Don’t care about JVM code verifier
   -jvm-mainclass CLASS               JVM main class
   -jvm-classpath PATH                JVM application classpath
   -jvm-bigloo-classpath P            JVM Bigloo rts classpath
   -jvm-path-separator SEP            Set the JVM classpath separator
   -jvm-directory NAME                Directory where to store class files.
   -jvm-catch-errors                  Catch internal JVM errors
   -no-jvm-catch-errors               Don’t catch internal JVM errors
   -jvm-jarpath NAME                  Set the JVM classpath for the produced jar file
   -jvm-cinit-module                  Enable JVM class constructors to initiliaze bigloo modules
   -no-jvm-cinit-module               Disable JVM class constructors to initiliaze bigloo modules
   -jvm-char-info                     Generate char info for the debugger (in addition to line info)
   -no-jvm-char-info                  Do not generate char info for the debugger
   -fjvm-inlining                     Enable JVM back-end inlining
   -fjvm-constr-inlining              Enable JVM back-end inlining for constructors
   -fno-jvm-inlining                  Disable JVM back-end inlining
   -fno-jvm-constr-inlining           Disable JVM back-end inlining for constructors
   -fjvm-peephole                     Enable JVM back-end peephole
   -fno-jvm-peephole                  Disable JVM back-end peephole
   -fjvm-branch                       Enable JVM back-end branch
   -fno-jvm-branch                    Disable JVM back-end branch
   -fjvm-fasteq                       EQ? no longer works on integers (use =FX)
   -fno-jvm-fasteq                    Disable JVM back-end fasteq transformation
   -jvm-env VAR                       Make the shell variable visible to GETENV
   -jvm-jar                           Enable JVM jar files generation
   -no-jvm-jar                        Disable JVM jar files generation (default)
   -jvm-java FILE                     Use FILE as JVM
   -jvm-opt STRING                    JVM invocation option

   -t[2|3|4]                          Generate a trace file (*)
   +tPASS                             Force pass to be traced
   -shape[mktTalun]                   Some debugging tools (private)

Compilation stages:
   -mco                               Stop after .mco production
   -syntax                            Stop after the syntax stage (see -hygiene)
   -expand                            Stop after the preprocessing stage
   -expand-module                     Produce the expanded module clause
   -ast                               Stop after the ast construction stage
   -syntax-check                      Stop after checking syntax
   -bdb-spread-obj                    Stop after the bdb obj spread stage
   -trace                             Stop after the trace pass
   -callcc                            Stop after the callcc pass
   -bivalue                           Stop after the bivaluation stage
   -inline                            Stop after the inlining stage
   -inline+                           Stop after the 2nd inlining stage
   -beta                              Stop after the constant beta reduction stage
   -fail                              Stop after the failure replacement stage
   -abound                            Stop after the array bound checking stage
   -initflow                          Stop after the type initflow stage
   -narrow                            Stop after the scope narrowing stage
   -tlift                             Stop after the type lifting stage
   -dataflow                          Stop after the type dataflow stage
   -dataflow+                         Stop after the second type dataflow stage
   -dataflow++                        Stop after the third type dataflow stage
   -fuse                              Stop after the fuse stage
   -user                              Stop after the user pass
   -coerce                            Stop after the type coercing stage
   -effect                            Stop after the effect stage
   -effect+                           Stop after the 2nd effect stage
   -reduce                            Stop after the reduction opt. stage
   -reduce+                           Stop after the 2nd reduction opt. stage
   -reduce-                           Stop after the very first reduction stage
   -assert                            Stop after the assertions stage
   -cfa                               Stop after the cfa stage
   -closure                           Stop after the globalization stage
   -recovery                          Stop after the type recovery stage
   -bdb                               Stop after the Bdb code production
   -cnst                              Stop after the constant allocation
   -integrate                         Stop after the integration stage
   -tailc                             Stop after the tailc stage
   -init                              Stop after the initialization construction stage
   -classgen                          Produce an include file for class accessors
   -egen                              Produce an include file for effects (requires -saw)
   -hgen                              Produce a C header file with class definitions
   -cgen                              Do not C compile and produce a .c file
   -indent                            Produce an indented .c file
   -jvmas                             Produce a JVM .jas file
   -il                                Produce a .NET .asm file

Constant initialization:
   -init-[lib|read|intern]            Constants initialization mode
   -init-object-[legacy|staged]       Object system initialization

Bootstrap and setup:
   -mklib                             Compile a library module
   -mkaddlib                          Compile an additional library module
   -mkheap                            Build an heap file
   -mkaddheap                         Build an additional heap file
   -mkdistrib                         Compile a main file for a distribution
   –license                          Display the Bigloo license and exit
   -LICENSE                           Add the license to the generated C files
   -heap NAME                         Specify an heap file (or #f to not load heap)
   -heap-library LIB                  The library the heap belongs to
   -dump-heap NAME                    Dump the content of a heap
   -addheap NAME                      Specify an additional heap file
   -fread-internal                    Read source from binary interned file
   -fread-internal-src                Read source only from binary interned file
   -fread-internal-src-file-name NAME Set fake source file name
   -fread-plain                       Read source from plain text file
   -target LANG                       DON’T USE, (see -native, -jvm)

Shell Variables:
     temporary directory (default "/tmp")
     libraries’ directory
     the initial heap size in megabytes (4 MB by default)
     the error stack depth printing
     the maximum number of Bigloo live processes

Runtime Command file:
   - ~/.bigloorc

 * : only available in developing mode
 . : option enabled from -O3 mode

Bigloo Control Variables:
   All the Bigloo control variables can be changed from the
   interpreter, by the means of the ‘-eval’ option, or using
   the module clause ‘option’. For instance the option
   "-eval ’(set! *strip* #t)’" will set the variable
   ‘*strip*’ to the value ‘#t’.
   These variables are:

   - *access-file-default* : 
     The default access file name
     default: ".afile"
   - *access-files* : 
     The access file names
     default: ()
   - *additional-bigloo-libraries* : 
     The user extra Bigloo libraries
     default: ()
   - *additional-bigloo-zips* : 
     The user extra Bigloo Zip files
     default: ()
   - *additional-heap-name* : 
     A name of an additional heap file name to be build
     default: #f
   - *additional-heap-names* : 
     A list of Bigloo additional heap file name
     default: ()
   - *additional-include-foreign* : 
     The additional C included files
     default: ()
   - *allow-type-redefinition* : 
     If true, allow type redefinitions
     default: #f
   - *ast-case-sensitive* : 
     Case sensitivity
     default: #t
   - *auto-link-main* : 
     Enable automatically a main generation when linking
     default: #t
   - *auto-mode* : 
     auto-mode (extend mode) list
     default: (("ml" . "caml") ("mli" . "caml") ("oon" . "meroon") ("snow" . "snow") ("spi" . "pkgcomp"))
   - *bdb-debug* : 
     Bdb debugging mode
     default: 0
   - *bigloo-abort?* : 
     Do we have the bigloo-abort function in executables?
     default: #f
   - *bigloo-lib* : 
     The Bigloo library
     default: bigloo
   - *bigloo-libraries-c-setup* : 
     A list of C functions to be called when starting the application
     default: ()
   - *bigloo-licensing?* : 
     Add the Bigloo license ?
     default: #f
   - *bigloo-name* : 
     The Bigloo name
     default: "Bigloo (4.1a)"
   - *bigloo-specific-version* : 
     The Bigloo specific version
     default: ""
   - *bigloo-tmp* : 
     The tmp directory name
     default: "/tmp"
   - *bigloo-user-lib* : 
     The user extra C libraries
     default: ("-ldl" "-lunistring" "-lgmp" "-lpcre" "-lm")
   - *bigloo-version* : 
     The Bigloo major release number
     default: "4.1a"
   - *bmem-profiling* : 
     Instrument code for bmem profiling
     default: #f
   - *c-debug* : 
     C debugging mode?
     default: #f
   - *c-debug-lines-info* : 
     Emit # line directives
     default: #f
   - *c-debug-option* : 
     cc debugging option
     default: "-g"
   - *c-files* : 
     The C source files
     default: ()
   - *c-object-file-extension* : 
     The C object file extension
     default: "o"
   - *c-split-string* : 
     C split long strings
     default: #f
   - *c-suffix* : 
     C legal suffixes
     default: ("c")
   - *c-user-foot* : 
     C foot
     default: ()
   - *c-user-header* : 
     C header
     default: ()
   - *call/cc?* : 
     Shall we enable call/cc?
     default: #f
   - *cc* : 
     The C compiler
     default: "gcc"
   - *cc-move* : 
     Use mv instead of -o when C compiling
     default: #t
   - *cc-o-option* : 
     The C compiler -o option
     default: "-o "
   - *cc-options* : 
     cc options
     default: "-Wpointer-arith -Wswitch -Wtrigraphs -DBGL_BOOTCONFIG"
   - *cc-style* : 
     The C compiler style
     default: "gcc"
   - *cflags* : 
     The C compiler option
     default: "-Wpointer-arith -Wswitch -Wtrigraphs -DBGL_BOOTCONFIG"
   - *cflags-optim* : 
     The C compiler optimization option
     default: "-O3 -Wpointer-arith -Wswitch -Wtrigraphs -DBGL_BOOTCONFIG"
   - *cflags-prof* : 
     The C compiler profiling option
     default: "-pg -fno-inline -Wpointer-arith -Wswitch -Wtrigraphs -DBGL_BOOTCONFIG"
   - *compiler-debug* : 
     Debugging level
     default: 0
   - *compiler-debug-trace* : 
     Debugging trace level
     default: 0
   - *compiler-sharing-debug?* : 
     Compiler self sharing debug
     default: #f
   - *compiler-stack-debug?* : 
     Compiler self stack trace debug
     default: #f
   - *compiler-type-debug?* : 
     Compiler self type debug
     default: #f
   - *csharp-suffix* : 
     C# legal suffixes
     default: ("cs")
   - *debug-module* : 
     Module initilazation debugging
     default: 0
   - *default-lib-dir* : 
     The default lib dir path (without version)
     default: "/users/serrano/prgm/project/bigloo/lib/4.1a"
   - *dest* : 
     The target name
     default: #f
   - *dlopen-init* : 
     Emit a standard Bigloo dynamic loading init entry point
     default: #f
   - *dlopen-init-gc* : 
     Emit a standard GC init call when initialization the module
     default: #f
   - *double-ld-libs?* : 
     Do we include the additional user libraries twice?
     default: #t
   - *error-localization* : 
     Localize error calls in the source code
     default: #f
   - *eval-options* : 
     A user variable to store dynamic command line options
     default: ()
   - *extend-entry* : 
     Extend entry
     default: #f
   - *garbage-collector* : 
     The garbage collector
     default: boehm
   - *gc-custom?* : 
     Are we using a custom GC library?
     default: #t
   - *gc-lib* : 
     The Gc library
     default: bigloogc
   - *global-tail-call?* : 
     Do we apply the self-global-tail-call stage?
     default: #f
   - *heap-base-name* : 
     The Bigloo heap base name
     default: "bigloo"
   - *heap-dump-names* : 
     The name of the heap to be dumped
     default: ()
   - *heap-jvm-name* : 
     The Bigloo heap file name for the JVM backend
     default: "bigloo.jheap"
   - *heap-library* : 
     The library the heap belongs to
     default: bigloo
   - *heap-name* : 
     The Bigloo heap file name
     default: "bigloo.heap"
   - *hello* : 
     Say hello (when verbose)
     default: #f
   - *include-foreign* : 
     The C included files
     default: ("bigloo.h")
   - *include-multiple* : 
     Enable/disable multiple inclusion of same file
     default: #f
   - *indent* : 
     The name of the C beautifier
     default: "indent -npro -bap -bad -nbc -bl -ncdb -nce -nfc1 -ip0 -nlp -npcs -nsc -nsob -cli0.5 -di0 -l80 -d1 -c0 -ts2 -st"
   - *init-mode* : 
     Module initialization mode
     default: read
   - *inlining-kfactor* : 
     Inlining growth factor
     default: #<procedure:532560.1>
   - *inlining-reduce-kfactor* : 
     Inlinine growth factor reductor
     default: #<procedure:5324b0.1>
   - *inlining?* : 
     Inlining optimization
     default: #t
   - *interpreter* : 
     Shall we interprete the source file?
     default: #f
   - *jvm-bigloo-classpath* : 
     JVM Bigloo classpath
     default: #f
   - *jvm-catch* : 
     Catch internal errors
     default: #t
   - *jvm-cinit-module* : 
     Enable JVM class constructors to initiliaze bigloo modules
     default: #f
   - *jvm-classpath* : 
     JVM classpath
     default: "."
   - *jvm-debug* : 
     JVM debugging mode?
     default: #f
   - *jvm-directory* : 
     JVM object directory
     default: #f
   - *jvm-env* : 
     List of environment variables to be available in the compiled code
     default: ()
   - *jvm-foreign-class-id* : 
     The identifier of the Jlib foreign class
     default: foreign
   - *jvm-foreign-class-name* : 
     The name of the Jlib foreign class
     default: "bigloo.foreign"
   - *jvm-jar?* : 
     Enable/disable a JAR file production for the JVM back-end
     default: #f
   - *jvm-jarpath* : 
     JVM jarpath
     default: #f
   - *jvm-java* : 
     JVM to be used to run Java programs
     default: "java"
   - *jvm-mainclass* : 
     JVM main class
     default: #f
   - *jvm-options* : 
     JVM options
     default: ""
   - *jvm-path-separator* : 
     JVM classpath
     default: #f
   - *jvm-shell* : 
     Shell to be used when producing JVM run scripts
     default: "sh"
   - *ld-debug-option* : 
     The C linker debugging option
     default: "-g "
   - *ld-library-dir* : 
     The ld lib dir path (without version)
     default: "/users/serrano/prgm/project/bigloo/lib"
   - *ld-o-option* : 
     The C linker -o option
     default: "-o "
   - *ld-optim-flags* : 
     The C linker optimization flags
     default: ""
   - *ld-options* : 
     ld options
     default: ""
   - *ld-post-options* : 
     ld post options
     default: ""
   - *ld-relative* : 
     Relative or absolute path names for libraries
     default: #t
   - *ld-style* : 
     ld style
     default: "gcc"
   - *lib-dir* : 
     The lib dir path
     default: ("." "/users/serrano/prgm/project/bigloo/lib/4.1a")
   - *lib-mode* : 
     Lib-mode compilation?
     default: #f
   - *lib-src-dir* : 
     The lib dir path
     default: "runtime"
   - *load-path* : 
     The load path
     default: ("." "/users/serrano/prgm/project/bigloo/lib/4.1a")
   - *max-c-foreign-arity* : 
     Max C function arity
     default: 16
   - *max-c-token-length* : 
     Max C token length
     default: 1024
   - *mco-include-path* : 
     Module checksum C include path
     default: (".")
   - *mco-suffix* : 
     Module checksum object legal suffixes
     default: ("mco")
   - *module-checksum-object?* : 
     Produce a module checksum object (.mco)
     default: #f
   - *multi-threaded-gc?* : 
     Are we using a multi-threaded GC?
     default: #f
   - *o-files* : 
     The additional obect files
     default: ()
   - *obj-suffix* : 
     Object legal suffixes
     default: ("o" "a" "so")
   - *object-init-mode* : 
     Object initialization mode
     default: stagged
   - *optim* : 
     Optimization level
     default: 0
   - *optim-O-macro?* : 
     Enable optimization by macro-expansion
     default: #f
   - *optim-atom-inlining?* : 
     Skip atom in inlining parameter counting
     default: #t
   - *optim-cfa-apply-tracking?* : 
     Track values across apply
     default: #f
   - *optim-cfa-fixnum-arithmetic?* : 
     Enable refined fixnum arithmetic specialization
     default: #f
   - *optim-cfa-flonum-arithmetic?* : 
     Enable refined flonum arithmetic specialization
     default: #f
   - *optim-cfa-free-var-tracking?* : 
     Enable closure free-variables specialization
     default: #f
   - *optim-cfa-funcall-tracking?* : 
     Track values across funcall
     default: #f
   - *optim-cfa-pair-quote-max-length* : 
     Maximum length for pair literal tracking
     default: 4
   - *optim-cfa-pair?* : 
     Track values across pairs
     default: #f
   - *optim-cfa-unbox-closure-args* : 
     Unbox closure arguments
     default: #f
   - *optim-dataflow-for-errors?* : 
     Enable simple dataflow optimization for eliminating bad error messages
     default: #t
   - *optim-dataflow-types?* : 
     Enable dataflow optimization for types
     default: #f
   - *optim-dataflow?* : 
     Enable simple dataflow optimization
     default: #f
   - *optim-initflow?* : 
     Enable initflow optimization for global variables
     default: #f
   - *optim-integrate?* : 
     Enable function integration (closure analysis)
     default: #t
   - *optim-jvm* : 
     Enable optimization by inlining jvm code
     default: 0
   - *optim-jvm-branch* : 
     Enable JVM branch tensioning
     default: 0
   - *optim-jvm-constructor-inlining* : 
     Enable JVM inlining for constructors
     default: 0
   - *optim-jvm-fasteq* : 
     EQ? no longer works on integers (use =FX instead)
     default: #f
   - *optim-jvm-inlining* : 
     Enable JVM inlining
     default: 0
   - *optim-jvm-peephole* : 
     Enable JVM peephole optimization
     default: 0
   - *optim-loop-inlining?* : 
     Loop inlining optimization
     default: #t
   - *optim-reduce-beta?* : 
     Enable simple beta reduction
     default: #f
   - *optim-symbol-case* : 
     Optimize case forms descrimining on symbols only
     default: #f
   - *optim-sync-failsafe?* : 
     Enable failsafe synchronize optimization
     default: #f
   - *optim-unroll-loop?* : 
     Loop unrolling optimization
     default: #unspecified
   - *pass* : 
     Stop after the pass
     default: ld
   - *pre-processor* : 
     An optional function that pre-processes the source file
     default: #<procedure:52d7a0.1>
   - *prof-table-name* : 
     Bprof translation table file name
     default: "bmon.out"
   - *profile-library* : 
     Use the profiled library version
     default: #f
   - *profile-mode* : 
     Bigloo profile mode
     default: 0
   - *purify* : 
     Produce byte code verifier compliant JVM code
     default: #t
   - *qualified-type-file* : 
     The qualifed-type association file name
     default: #f
   - *qualified-type-file-default* : 
     The qualifed-type association file name
     default: ".jfile"
   - *reader* : 
     The way the reader reads input file (’plain or ’intern)
     default: plain
   - *rm-tmp-files* : 
     Shall the .c and .il produced files be removed?
     default: #t
   - *saw* : 
     Do we go to the saw-mill?
     default: #f
   - *saw-no-register-allocation-functions* : 
     The list of functions disabling register allocation
     default: ()
   - *saw-register-allocation-functions* : 
     The list of functions allowing register allocation
     default: ()
   - *saw-register-allocation-max-size* : 
     Max function size for optimizing the register allocation
     default: 4000
   - *saw-register-allocation-onexpression?* : 
     Enable/disable saw register allocation on expression
     default: #f
   - *saw-register-allocation?* : 
     Enable/disable saw register allocation
     default: #f
   - *saw-register-reallocation?* : 
     Enable/disable saw register re-allocation
     default: #f
   - *shared-cnst?* : 
     Shared constant compilation?
     default: #t
   - *shell* : 
     The shell to exec C compilations
     default: "/bin/sh"
   - *src-files* : 
     The sources files
     default: ()
   - *src-suffix* : 
     Scheme legal suffixes
     default: ("scm" "bgl")
   - *startup-file* : 
     A startup file for the interpreter
     default: #f
   - *static-all-bigloo?* : 
     Do we use the static version of all Bigloo libraries?
     default: #f
   - *static-bigloo?* : 
     Do we use the static Bigloo library
     default: #f
   - *stdc* : 
     Shall we produce ISO C?
     default: #f
   - *strip* : 
     Shall we strip the executable?
     default: #t
   - *sync-profiling* : 
     Instrument code for synchronize profiling
     default: #f
   - *target-language* : 
     The target language (either c, c-saw, jvm, or .net)
     default: native
   - *trace-name* : 
     Trace file name
     default: "trace"
   - *trace-write-length* : 
     Trace dumping max level
     default: 80
   - *unsafe-arity* : 
     Runtime type arity safety
     default: #f
   - *unsafe-eval* : 
     Disable type checking for eval functions
     default: #f
   - *unsafe-heap* : 
     Disable heap version checking
     default: #f
   - *unsafe-library* : 
     Use the unsafe library version
     default: #f
   - *unsafe-range* : 
     Runtime range safety
     default: #f
   - *unsafe-struct* : 
     Runtime struct range safety
     default: #f
   - *unsafe-type* : 
     Runtime type safety
     default: #f
   - *unsafe-version* : 
     Module version safety
     default: #f
   - *user-heap-size* : 
     Heap size (in MegaByte) or #f for default value
     default: 0
   - *user-inlining?* : 
     User inlining optimization
     default: #t
   - *user-pass* : 
     The user specific compilation pass
     default: #unspecified
   - *verbose* : 
     The verbosity level
     default: 0
   - *warning-overriden-slots* : 
     Set to #t to warn about virtual slot overriding
     default: #t
   - *warning-overriden-variables* : 
     Set to #t to warn about variable overriding
     default: #f
   - *warning-types* : 
     Set to #t to warn about type checks
     default: #f
   - *with-files* : 
     The additional modules
     default: ()

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