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6.1.9 Strings

There are three different syntaxes for strings in Bigloo: traditional, foreign or Unicode. The traditional syntax for strings may conform to the Revised Report, see (R5RS) With the foreign syntax, C escape sequences are interpreted as specified by ISO-C. In addition, Bigloo’s reader evaluate \x?? sequence as an hexadecimal escape character. For Unicode syntax, see Unicode (UCS-2) Strings. Only the reader distinguishes between these three appearances of strings; i.e., there is only one type of string at evaluation-time. The regular expression describing the syntax for foreign string is: #"([^"]|\")*". Escape characters are controlled by the parameter bigloo-strict-r5rs-strings (see Parameters).

The library functions for string processing are:

procedure: string? obj
SRFI-13 procedure: string-null? s

Is s an empty string?

procedure: make-string k
procedure: make-string k char
library procedure: string char …
procedure: string-length string
procedure: string-ref string k
procedure: string-set! string k char
library procedure: string=? string1 string2

This function returns #t if the string1 and string2 are made of the same characters. It returns #f otherwise.

bigloo procedure: substring=? string1 string2 len

This function returns #t if string1 and string2 have a common prefix of size len.

(substring=? "abcdef" "ab9989898" 2)
   ⇒ #t
(substring=? "abcdef" "ab9989898" 3)
   ⇒ #f
bigloo procedure: substring-at? string1 string2 offset [len]
bigloo procedure: substring-ci-at? string1 string2 offset [len]

This function returns #t if string2 is at position offset in the string string1. It returns #f otherwise.

(substring-at? "abcdefghij" "def" 3)
   ⇒ #t
(substring-at? "abcdefghij" "def" 2)
   ⇒ #f
(substring-at? "abcdefghij" "defz" 3)
   ⇒ #f
(substring-at? "abcdefghij" "defz" 3 3)
   ⇒ #t
library procedure: string-ci=? string1 string2
bigloo procedure: substring-ci=? string1 string2 len
library procedure: string<? string1 string2
library procedure: string>? string1 string2
library procedure: string<=? string1 string2
library procedure: string>=? string1 string2
library procedure: string-ci<? string1 string2
library procedure: string-ci>? string1 string2
library procedure: string-ci<=? string1 string2
library procedure: string-ci>=? string1 string2
bigloo procedure: string-index string charset [start 0]
bigloo procedure: string-index-right string charset [start len-1]

Returns the first occurrence of a character of char-or-set in string. The argument charset is either a character or a string. If no character is found, string-index returns #f.

bigloo procedure: string-skip string charset [start 0]
bigloo procedure: string-skip-right string charset [start len-1]

string-skip (resp. string-skip-right) searches through the string from the left (resp. right), returning the index of the first occurrence of a character which

  • equals char/char-set/pred (if it is a character);
  • is in char/char-set/pred (if it is a character set);
  • satisfies the predicate char/char-set/pred (if it is a procedure).

If no match is found, the functions return false.

The start and end parameters specify the beginning and end indices of the search; the search includes the start index, but not the end index. Be careful of "fencepost" considerations: when searching right-to-left, the first index considered is end-1 whereas when searching left-to-right, the first index considered is start That is, the start/end indices describe a same half-open interval [start,end).

bigloo procedure: string-contains string1 string2 [start 0]
bigloo procedure: string-contains-ci string1 string2 [start 0]

Does string string1 contain string string2?

Return the index in string1 where string2 occurs first as a substring, or false.

string-contains-ci is the case-insensitive variant. Case-insensitive comparison is done by case-folding characters with the operation:

(char-downcase (char-upcase c))
bigloo procedure: string-compare3 string1 string2
bigloo procedure: string-compare3-ci string1 string2

This function compares string1 and string2. It returns a negative integer if string1 < string2. It returns zero if the string1 equal string2. It returns a positive integer if string1 > string2.

bigloo procedure: string-natural-compare3 string1 string2 [start1 0] [start2 0]
bigloo procedure: string-natural-compare3-ci string1 string2 [start1 0] [start2 0]

This function compares string1 and string2 according to a natural string order. It returns a negative integer if string1 < string2. It returns zero if the string1 equal string2. It returns a positive integer if string1 > string2.

(string-natural-compare "foo" "foo")
   ⇒ 0
(string-natural-compare "foo0" "foo1")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "foo1" "foo0")
   ⇒ 1
(string-natural-compare "rfc822.txt" "rfc1.txt")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "rfc1.txt" "rfc2086.txt")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "rfc2086.txt" "rfc1.txt")
   ⇒ 1
(string-natural-compare "rfc822.txt" "rfc2086.txt")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "a0" "a1")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "a1" "a1a")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "a1a" "a1b")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "a1b" "a2")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "a2" "a10")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "a10" "a20")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "a2" "a20")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "x2-g8" "x2-y7")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "1.001" "1.002")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "1.002" "1.010")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "1.010"  "1.02")
   ⇒ 1
(string-natural-compare "1.02" "1.1")
   ⇒ -1
(string-natural-compare "1.1" "1.02")
   ⇒ 1
(string-natural-compare "1.02" "1.3")
   ⇒ -1
library procedure: substring string start [end]

string must be a string, and start and end must be exact integers satisfying:

  0 <= START <= END <= (string-length STRING)

The optional argument end defaults to (string-length STRING).

substring returns a newly allocated string formed from the characters of STRING beginning with index START (inclusive) and ending with index END (exclusive).

(substring "abcdef" 0 5)
   ⇒ "abcde"
(substring "abcdef" 1 5)
   ⇒ "bcde"
library procedure: string-shrink! string end

string must be a string, and end must be an exact integers satisfying:

  0 <= END <= (string-length STRING)

string-shrink! returns a newly allocated string formed from the characters of STRING beginning with index 0 (inclusive) and ending with index END (exclusive). As much as possible string-shrink! changes the argument string. That is, as much as possible, and for the back-ends that enable it, string-shrink! operate a side effect on its argument.

(let ((s (string #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e)))
   (set! s (string-shrink! s 3))
   ⇒ "abc"
library procedure: string-append string …
library procedure: string->list string
library procedure: list->string list
library procedure: string-copy string
bigloo procedure: string-fill! string char

Stores char in every element of the given string and returns an unspecified value.

bigloo procedure: string-downcase string

Returns a newly allocated version of string where each upper case letter is replaced by its lower case equivalent.

bigloo procedure: string-upcase string

Returns a newly allocated version of string where each lower case letter is replaced by its upper case equivalent.

bigloo procedure: string-capitalize string

Builds a newly allocated capitalized string.

bigloo procedure: string-downcase! string

Physically downcases the string argument.

bigloo procedure: string-upcase! string

Physically upcases the string argument.

bigloo procedure: string-capitalize! string

Physically capitalized the string argument.

bigloo procedure: string-for-read string

Returns a copy of string with each special character replaced by an escape sequence.

bigloo procedure: blit-string! string1 o1 string2 o2 len

Fill string string2 starting at position o2 with len characters taken out of string string1 from position o1.

(let ((s (make-string 20 #\-)))
	(blit-string! "toto" 0 s 16 4)
   ⇒ "----------------toto"
bigloo procedure: string-replace string char1 char2
bigloo procedure: string-replace! string char1 char2

Replace all the occurrence of char1 by char2 in string. The function string-replace returns a newly allocated string. The function string-replace! modifies its first argument.

bigloo procedure: string-split string
bigloo procedure: string-split string delimiters

Parses string and returns a list of tokens ended by a character of the delimiters string. If delimiters is omitted, it defaults to a string containing a space, a tabulation and a newline characters.

(string-split "/usr/local/bin" "/") ⇒ ("usr" "local" "bin")
(string-split "once   upon a time") ⇒ ("once" "upon" "a" "time")
bigloo procedure: string-cut string
bigloo procedure: string-cut string delimiters

The function string-cut behaves as string-split but it introduces empty strings for consecutive occurrences of delimiters.

(string-cut "/usr//local/bin" "/") ⇒ ("usr" "" "local" "bin")
(string-cut "once   upon a time") ⇒ ("once" "" "" "" "upon" "a" "time")
SRFI-13 procedure: string-delete string char/charset/pred s [start end]

Filter the string string, retaining only those characters that are not equal to char, not present in charset, or not satisfying pred. This function returns a fresh string no larger than end - start.

SRFI-13 procedure: string-prefix-length s1 s2 [start1 end1 start2 end2]
SRFI-13 procedure: string-suffix-length s1 s2 [start1 end1 start2 end2]
SRFI-13 procedure: string-prefix-length-ci s1 s2 [start1 end1 start2 end2]
SRFI-13 procedure: string-suffix-length-ci s1 s2 [start1 end1 start2 end2]

Return the length of the longest common prefix/suffix of the two strings. For prefixes, this is equivalent to the "mismatch index" for the strings (modulo the starti index offsets).

The optional start/end indices restrict the comparison to the indicated substrings of s1 and s2.

SRFI-13 procedure: string-prefix? s1 s2 [start1 end1 start2 end2]
SRFI-13 procedure: string-suffix? s1 s2 [start1 end1 start2 end2]
SRFI-13 procedure: string-prefix-ci? s1 s2 [start1 end1 start2 end2]
SRFI-13 procedure: string-suffix-ci? s1 s2 [start1 end1 start2 end2]

Is s1 a prefix/suffix of s2?

The optional start/end indices restrict the comparison to the indicated substrings of s1 and s2.

bigloo procedure: string-hex-intern string
bigloo procedure: string-hex-intern! string

Converts an hexadecimal string of n characters into an actual string of n/2 characters.

(string-hex-intern "4a4b4c") ⇒ "JKL"
bigloo procedure: string-hex-extern string

Converts a string into a hexadecimal representation.

(string-hex-extern "JKL") ⇒ "4a4b4c"

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