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6.7.2 Files

See Input and output for file and directory handling. This section only deals with name handling. Four procedures exist to manipulate Unix filenames.

bigloo procedure: basename string

Returns a copy of string where the longest prefix ending in ‘/’ is deleted if any existed.

bigloo procedure: prefix string

Returns a copy of string where the suffix starting by the char ‘#\.’ is deleted. If no prefix is found, the result of prefix is a copy of string. For instance:

(prefix "foo.scm") 
   ⇒ "foo"
(prefix "./foo.scm") 
   ⇒ "./foo"
(prefix "foo.tar.gz") 
   ⇒ "foo.tar"
bigloo procedure: suffix string

Returns a new string which is the suffix of string. If no suffix is found, this function returns an empty string. For instance,

(suffix "foo.scm") 
   ⇒ "scm"
(suffix "./foo.scm") 
   ⇒ "scm"
(suffix "foo.tar.gz") 
   ⇒ "gz"
bigloo procedure: dirname string

Returns a new string which is the directory component of string. For instance:

(dirname "abc/def/ghi") 
   ⇒ "abc/def"
(dirname "abc") 
   ⇒  "."
(dirname "abc/") 
   ⇒ "abc"
(dirname "/abc") 
   ⇒ "/"
bigloo procedure: pwd

Returns the current working directory.

bigloo procedure: chdir dir-name

Changes the current directory to dir-name. On success, chdir returns #t. On failure it returns #f.

bigloo procedure: make-file-name dir-name name

Make an absolute file-name from a directory name dir-name and a relative name name.

bigloo procedure: make-file-path dir-name name . names

Make an absolute file-name from a directory name dir-name and a relative name names.

bigloo procedure: file-name->list name

Explodes a file name into a list.

(file-name->list "/etc/passwd")
   ⇒ '("" "etc" "passwd")
(file-name->list "etc/passwd")
   ⇒ '("etc" "passwd")
bigloo procedure: file-name-canonicalize name
bigloo procedure: file-name-canonicalize! name
bigloo procedure: file-name-unix-canonicalize name
bigloo procedure: file-name-unix-canonicalize! name

Canonicalizes a file name. If the file name is malformed this function raises an &io-malformed-url-error exception.

The function file-name-canonicalize! may returns its argument if no changes in the string is needed. Otherwise, as file-name-canonicalize is returns a new string.

In addition to handling .. directory name, the function file-name-unix-canonicalize also handles the ~ character.

(file-name-canonicalize "/etc/passwd")
   ⇒ "/etc/passwd"
(file-name-canonicalize "/etc/../tmp/passwd")
   ⇒ "/tmp/passwd"
(file-name-canonicalize "~/passwd")
   ⇒ "~/passwd"
(file-name-unix-canonicalize "~/passwd")
   ⇒ "/home/a-user/passwd"
(file-name-unix-canonicalize "~foo/passwd")
   ⇒ "/home/foo/passwd"
bigloo procedure: relative-file-name name base

Builds a file name relative to base.

(relative-file-name "/etc/passwd" "/etc"
   ⇒ "passwd"
bigloo procedure: find-file/path name path

Search, in sequence, in the directory list path for the file name. If name is an absolute name, then path is not used to find the file. If name is a relative name, the function make-file-name is used to build absolute name from name and the directories in path. The current path is not included automatically in the list of path. In consequence, to check the current directory one may add "." to the path list. On success, the absolute file name is returned. On failure, #f is returned. Example:

(find-file/path "/etc/passwd" '("/toto" "/titi")) 
   ⇒ "/etc/passwd"
(find-file/path "passwd" '("/toto" "/etc"))
   ⇒ "/etc/passwd"
(find-file/path "pass-wd" '("." "/etc"))
   ⇒ #f
bigloo procedure: make-static-library-name name

Make a static library name from name by adding the static library regular suffix.

bigloo procedure: make-shared-library-name name

Make a shared library name from name by adding the shared library regular suffix.

bigloo procedure: file-exists? string

This procedure returns #t if the file (respectively directory, and link) string exists. Otherwise it returns #f.

bigloo procedure: file-gzip? string

This procedure returns #t if and only if the file string exists and can be unzip by Bigloo. Otherwise it returns #f.

bigloo procedure: delete-file string

Deletes the file named string. The result of this procedure is #t is the operation succeeded. The result is #f otherwise.

bigloo procedure: rename-file string1 string2

Renames the file string1 as string2. The two files have to be located on the same file system. If the renaming succeeds, the result is #t, otherwise it is #f.

bigloo procedure: copy-file string1 string2

Copies the file string1 into string2. If the copy succeeds, the result is #t, otherwise it is #f.

bigloo procedure: directory? string

This procedure returns #t if the file string exists and is a directory. Otherwise it returns #f.

bigloo procedure: make-directory string

Creates a new directory named string. It returns #t if the directory was created. It returns #f otherwise.

bigloo procedure: make-directories string

Creates a new directory named string, including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories. It returns #t if the directory was created. It returns #f otherwise. Note that if this operation fails it may have succeeded in creating some of the necessary parent directories.

bigloo procedure: delete-directory string

Deletes the directory named string. The directory must be empty in order to be deleted. The result of this procedure is unspecified.

bigloo procedure: directory->list string
bigloo procedure: directory->path-list string

If file string exists and is a directory, the function directory->list returns the list of files in string. The function directory->path-list returns a list of files whose dirname is string.

bigloo procedure: file-modification-time string

The date (in second) of the last modification for file string. The number of seconds is represented by a value that may be converted into a date by the means of seconds->date (see Date).

bigloo procedure: file-size string

Returns the size (in bytes) for file string. The return type is long. If an full-sized integer is needed, one may write:

(let ((sz::llong (file-size <PATH>)))

On error, -1 is returned.
bigloo procedure: file-uid string
bigloo procedure: file-gid string

The functions return the user id (an integer) and group id (an integer) for file string. On error, -1 is returned.

bigloo procedure: file-mode string

Returns the file access mode (an integer). On error -1 is returned.

bigloo procedure: file-type string

Returns the file type (a symbol). The possible returned values are:

  • regular
  • directory
  • link
  • block
  • fifo
  • character
  • socket
  • resource
  • unknown
  • does-not-exist
bigloo procedure: chmod string [option]

Change the access mode of the file named string. The option must be either a list of the following symbols read, write and execute or an integer. If the operation succeeds, chmod returns #t. It returns #f otherwise. The argument option can also be an integer that represents the native file permission. Example:

(chmod (make-file-name (getenv "HOME") ".bigloorc") 'read 'write)
(chmod (make-file-name (getenv "HOME") ".bigloorc") #o777)

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