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8.1 Knuth, Morris, and Pratt

Bigloo supports an implementation of the Knuth, Morris, and Pratt algorithm on strings and memory mapped area, See section mmap.

bigloo procedure: kmp-table pattern

This function creates a kmp-table used for fast search.

bigloo procedure: kmp-mmap kmp-table mmap offset
bigloo procedure: kmp-string kmp-table string offset

This function searches the pattern described by kmp-table in the memory mapped area mmap (respec. in the string). The search starts at offset. If an occurrence is found, its position in the mmap is returned. Otherwise -1 is returned.

For the sake of the example, here is a prototypal implementation of the Usenix command grep:

(define (main args)
      ((null? (cdr args))
       (fprintf (current-error-port) "Usage: grep STRING [FILE]...")
       (exit 0))
       (let ((t (kmp-table (cadr args))))
	  (for-each (lambda (f) (grep-file t f)) (cddr args))))))

(define (grep-file t file)
   (let* ((mm (open-mmap file read: #t write: #f))
	  (ls (mmap-length mm)))
      (let loop ((o 0))
	 (unless (>=fx o ls)
	    (let ((n (kmp-mmap t mm o)))
	       (when (>fx n 0)
		  (print file ":" (mmap-line mm ls n))
		  (loop (+fx n 1))))))
      (close-mmap mm)))

(define (mmap-line mm ls n)
   (let ((b 0)
	 (e (elong->fixnum ls)))
      ;; beginning
      (let loop ((i n))
	 (when (>fx i 0)
	    (if (char=? (mmap-ref mm i) #\Newline)
		(set! b (+fx i 1))
		(loop (-fx i 1)))))
      ;; end
      (let loop ((i n))
	 (when (<fx i ls)
	    (if (char=? (mmap-ref mm i) #\Newline)
		(set! e i)
		(loop (+fx i 1)))))
      (mmap-substring mm b (- e b))))

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