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3.4.2 Scanning isl Sets
Here is an isl-level example to prepare a convenient input, to generate the
Clast of the scanning code for this input, to pretty-print the code and to
de-allocate memory in a clean way. This example is provided in the
directory of the CLooG distribution.
/* example-isl.c */ #include <cloog/cloog.h> #include <cloog/isl/cloog.h> /* Input problem */ int nb_parameters = 1; char *parameter_name[] = {"N"}; char *iterator_name[] = {"i", "j"}; char *scattering_name[] = {"t0", "t1", "t2"}; char *str_context = "[N] -> { : N > 0}"; char *str_domain1 = "[N] -> {[i, j] : 0 <= i < N and 0 <= j < N}"; char *str_domain2 = "[N] -> {[i, j] : 0 <= i < N and 0 <= j < N}"; char *str_scattering1 = "[N] -> {[i, j] -> [0, i + j, j]}"; char *str_scattering2 = "[N] -> {[i, j] -> [1, i, -j]}"; int main() { isl_ctx *ctx; isl_set *set_context, *set1, *set2; isl_map *map1, *map2; CloogDomain *context, *domain1, *domain2; CloogScattering *scattering1, *scattering2; CloogUnionDomain *domains; CloogInput *input; CloogState *state; CloogOptions *options; struct clast_stmt *root; /* Build isl structures for context, sets and mapping */ ctx = isl_ctx_alloc(); set_context = isl_set_read_from_str(ctx, str_context); set1 = isl_set_read_from_str(ctx, str_domain1); set2 = isl_set_read_from_str(ctx, str_domain2); map1 = isl_map_read_from_str(ctx, str_scattering1); map2 = isl_map_read_from_str(ctx, str_scattering2); /* Translate them to CLooG context, domains and scattering */ context = cloog_domain_from_isl_set(set_context); domain1 = cloog_domain_from_isl_set(set1); domain2 = cloog_domain_from_isl_set(set2); scattering1 = cloog_scattering_from_isl_map(map1); scattering2 = cloog_scattering_from_isl_map(map2); /* Prepare the list of domains to scan */ domains = cloog_union_domain_alloc(nb_parameters); cloog_union_domain_add_domain(domains,"S1",domain1,scattering1,NULL); cloog_union_domain_add_domain(domains,"S2",domain2,scattering2,NULL); cloog_union_domain_set_name(domains,CLOOG_PARAM,0,parameter_name[0]); cloog_union_domain_set_name(domains,CLOOG_ITER, 0,iterator_name[0]); cloog_union_domain_set_name(domains,CLOOG_ITER, 1,iterator_name[1]); cloog_union_domain_set_name(domains,CLOOG_SCAT, 0,scattering_name[0]); cloog_union_domain_set_name(domains,CLOOG_SCAT, 1,scattering_name[1]); cloog_union_domain_set_name(domains,CLOOG_SCAT, 2,scattering_name[2]); /* Build the input, generate a scanning code AST and print the code */ input = cloog_input_alloc(context, domains); state = cloog_isl_state_malloc(ctx); options = cloog_options_malloc(state); root = cloog_clast_create_from_input(input, options); clast_pprint(stdout, root, 0, options); /* Recycle allocated memory */ cloog_clast_free(root); cloog_options_free(options); cloog_state_free(state); isl_ctx_free(ctx); }
The compilation (with default isl/GMP version installed) command could be:
gcc -DCLOOG_INT_GMP example-isl.c -lcloog-isl -o example-isl
A calling command could be:
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