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30.13 Editing Text-based Tables

Table mode provides an easy and intuitive way to create and edit WYSIWYG text-based tables. Here is an example of such a table:

|     Command     |          Description           |   Key Binding   |
|  forward-char   |Move point right N characters   |       C-f       |
|                 |(left if N is negative).        |                 |
|                 |                                |                 |
|                 |On reaching end of buffer, stop |                 |
|                 |and signal error.               |                 |
|  backward-char  |Move point left N characters    |       C-b       |
|                 |(right if N is negative).       |                 |
|                 |                                |                 |
|                 |On attempt to pass beginning or |                 |
|                 |end of buffer, stop and signal  |                 |
|                 |error.                          |                 |

Table mode allows the contents of the table such as this one to be easily manipulated by inserting or deleting characters inside a cell. A cell is effectively a localized rectangular edit region and edits to a cell do not affect the contents of the surrounding cells. If the contents do not fit into a cell, then the cell is automatically expanded in the vertical and/or horizontal directions and the rest of the table is restructured and reformatted in accordance with the growth of the cell.

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