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33.3.7 Tags Table Inquiries

M-x list-tags <RET> file <RET>

Display a list of the tags defined in the program file file.

M-x tags-apropos <RET> regexp <RET>

Display a list of all tags matching regexp.

M-x list-tags reads the name of one of the files described by the selected tags table, and displays a list of all the tags defined in that file. The “file name” argument is really just a string to compare against the file names recorded in the tags table; it is read as a string rather than as a file name. Therefore, completion and defaulting are not available, and you must enter the file name the same way it appears in the tags table. Do not include a directory as part of the file name unless the file name recorded in the tags table includes a directory.

M-x tags-apropos is like apropos for tags (see section Apropos). It finds all the tags in the selected tags table whose entries match regexp, and displays them. If the variable tags-apropos-verbose is non-nil, it displays the names of the tags files together with the tag names.

You can customize the appearance of the output by setting the variable tags-tag-face to a face. You can display additional output with M-x tags-apropos by customizing the variable tags-apropos-additional-actions—see its documentation for details.

You can also use the collection of tag names to complete a symbol name in the buffer. See section Completion for Symbol Names.

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