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12.4 Operating on the Region
Once you have a region and the mark is active, here are some of the ways you can operate on the region:
- Kill it with C-w (see section Killing and Moving Text).
- Save it in a register with C-x r s (see section Registers).
- Save it in a buffer or a file (see section Accumulating Text).
- Convert case with C-x C-l or C-x C-u (see section Case Conversion Commands).
- Indent it with C-x <TAB> or C-M-\ (see section Indentation).
- Fill it as text with M-x fill-region (see section Filling Text).
- Print hardcopy with M-x print-region (see section Printing Hard Copies).
- Evaluate it as Lisp code with M-x eval-region (see section Evaluating Emacs Lisp Expressions).
- Undo changes within it using C-u C-x u (see section Undo).
Most commands that operate on the text in the region have the word
in their names.