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25.6 Running the Program

When the program starts executing due to a No value for GDBN command such as step or continue,


is output. When the program stops,


is output. Before the stopped annotation, a variety of annotations describe how the program stopped.

^Z^Zexited exit-status

The program exited, and exit-status is the exit status (zero for successful exit, otherwise nonzero).


The program exited with a signal. After the ^Z^Zsignalled, the annotation continues:


where name is the name of the signal, such as SIGILL or SIGSEGV, and string is the explanation of the signal, such as Illegal Instruction or Segmentation fault. intro-text, middle-text, and end-text are for the user's benefit and have no particular format.


The syntax of this annotation is just like signalled, but No value for GDBN is just saying that the program received the signal, not that it was terminated with it.

^Z^Zbreakpoint number

The program hit breakpoint number number.

^Z^Zwatchpoint number

The program hit watchpoint number number.

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