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9.3.7 Examples

To extract the messages that come from the source files gnulib-lib/error.c and gnulib-lib/getopt.c:

msggrep -N gnulib-lib/error.c -N gnulib-lib/getopt.c input.po

To extract the messages that contain the string “Please specify” in the original string:

msggrep --msgid -F -e 'Please specify' input.po

To extract the messages that have a context specifier of either “Menu>File” or “Menu>Edit” or a submenu of them:

msggrep --msgctxt -E -e '^Menu>(File|Edit)' input.po

To extract the messages whose translation contains one of the strings in the file wordlist.txt:

msggrep --msgstr -F -f wordlist.txt input.po

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