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9.8.4 Attribute manipulation

Attributes are modified after the message selection/removal has been performed. If the ‘--only-file’ or ‘--ignore-file’ option is specified, the attribute modification is applied only to those messages that are listed in the only-file and not listed in the ignore-file.


Set all messages ‘fuzzy’.


Set all messages non-‘fuzzy’.


Set all messages obsolete.


Set all messages non-obsolete.


When setting ‘fuzzy’ mark, keep “previous msgid” of translated messages.


Remove the “previous msgid” (‘#|’) comments from all messages.


When removing ‘fuzzy’ mark, also set msgstr empty.


Limit the attribute changes to entries that are listed in file. file should be a PO or POT file.


Limit the attribute changes to entries that are not listed in file. file should be a PO or POT file.


Synonym for ‘--only-fuzzy --clear-fuzzy’: It keeps only the fuzzy messages and removes their ‘fuzzy’ mark.


Synonym for ‘--only-obsolete --clear-obsolete’: It keeps only the obsolete messages and makes them non-obsolete.

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