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4.15.2 Color algebra

For computations in quantum chromodynamics, GiNaC implements the base elements and structure constants of the su(3) Lie algebra (color algebra). The base elements T_a are constructed by the function

ex color_T(const ex & a, unsigned char rl = 0);

which takes two arguments: the index and a representation label in the range 0 to 255 which is used to distinguish elements of different color algebras. Objects with different labels commutate with each other. The dimension of the index must be exactly 8 and it should be of class idx, not varidx.

The unity element of a color algebra is constructed by

ex color_ONE(unsigned char rl = 0);

Please notice: You must always use color_ONE() when referring to multiples of the unity element, even though it's customary to omit it. E.g. instead of color_T(a)*(color_T(b)*indexed(X,b)+1) you have to write color_T(a)*(color_T(b)*indexed(X,b)+color_ONE()). Otherwise, GiNaC may produce incorrect results.

The functions

ex color_d(const ex & a, const ex & b, const ex & c);
ex color_f(const ex & a, const ex & b, const ex & c);

create the symmetric and antisymmetric structure constants d_abc and f_abc which satisfy {T_a, T_b} = 1/3 delta_ab + d_abc T_c and [T_a, T_b] = i f_abc T_c.

These functions evaluate to their numerical values, if you supply numeric indices to them. The index values should be in the range from 1 to 8, not from 0 to 7. This departure from usual conventions goes along better with the notations used in physical literature.

There's an additional function

ex color_h(const ex & a, const ex & b, const ex & c);

which returns the linear combination ‘color_d(a, b, c)+I*color_f(a, b, c)’.

The function simplify_indexed() performs some simplifications on expressions containing color objects:

    idx a(symbol("a"), 8), b(symbol("b"), 8), c(symbol("c"), 8),
        k(symbol("k"), 8), l(symbol("l"), 8);

    e = color_d(a, b, l) * color_f(a, b, k);
    cout << e.simplify_indexed() << endl;
     // -> 0

    e = color_d(a, b, l) * color_d(a, b, k);
    cout << e.simplify_indexed() << endl;
     // -> 5/3*delta.k.l

    e = color_f(l, a, b) * color_f(a, b, k);
    cout << e.simplify_indexed() << endl;
     // -> 3*delta.k.l

    e = color_h(a, b, c) * color_h(a, b, c);
    cout << e.simplify_indexed() << endl;
     // -> -32/3

    e = color_h(a, b, c) * color_T(b) * color_T(c);
    cout << e.simplify_indexed() << endl;
     // -> -2/3*T.a

    e = color_h(a, b, c) * color_T(a) * color_T(b) * color_T(c);
    cout << e.simplify_indexed() << endl;
     // -> -8/9*ONE

    e = color_T(k) * color_T(a) * color_T(b) * color_T(k);
    cout << e.simplify_indexed() << endl;
     // -> 1/4*delta.b.a*ONE-1/6*T.a*T.b

To calculate the trace of an expression containing color objects you use one of the functions

ex color_trace(const ex & e, const std::set<unsigned char> & rls);
ex color_trace(const ex & e, const lst & rll);
ex color_trace(const ex & e, unsigned char rl = 0);

These functions take the trace over all color ‘T’ objects in the specified set rls or list rll of representation labels, or the single label rl; ‘T’s with other labels are left standing. For example:

    e = color_trace(4 * color_T(a) * color_T(b) * color_T(c));
    cout << e << endl;
     // -> -I*f.a.c.b+d.a.c.b

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