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2.7 filledcurves

The filledcurves style is only relevant to 2D plotting. Three variants are possible. The first two variants require either a function or two columns of input data, and may be further modified by the options listed below.


    plot ... with filledcurves [option]

where the option can be one of the following

    [closed | {above | below}
    {x1 | x2 | y1 | y2}[=<a>] | xy=<x>,<y>]

The first variant, ‘closed‘, treats the curve itself as a closed polygon. This is the default if there are two columns of input data.

The second variant is to fill the area between the curve and a given axis, a horizontal or vertical line, or a point.

    filledcurves closed   ... just filled closed curve,
    filledcurves x1       ... x1 axis,
    filledcurves x2       ... x2 axis, etc for y1 and y2 axes,
    filledcurves y1=0     ... line y=0 (at y1 axis) ie parallel to x1 axis,
    filledcurves y2=42    ... line y=42 (at y2 axis) ie parallel to x2, etc,
    filledcurves xy=10,20 ... point 10,20 of x1,y1 axes (arc-like shape).

The third variant requires three columns of input data: the x coordinate and two y coordinates corresponding to two curves sampled at the same set of x coordinates; the area between the two curves is filled. This is the default if there are three or more columns of input data.

     3 columns:  x  y1  y2

Example of filling the area between two input curves. fill between curves demo.

    plot 'data' using 1:2:3 with filledcurves

The ‘above‘ and ‘below‘ options apply both to commands of the form

    ... filledcurves above {x1|x2|y1|y2}=<val>

and to commands of the form

    ... using 1:2:3 with filledcurves below

In either case the option limits the filled area to one side of the bounding line or curve.

Note: Not all terminal types support this plotting mode.

Zooming a filled curve drawn from a datafile may produce empty or incorrect areas because gnuplot is clipping points and lines, and not areas.

If the values of <a>, <x>, <y> are out of the drawing boundary, then they are moved to the graph boundary. Then the actually filled area in the case of option xy=<x>,<y> will depend on xrange and yrange.

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