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In order to reduce the size of postscript files, the gray value and not all three calculated r,g,b values are written to the file. Therefore the analytical formulae are coded directly in the postscript language as a header just before the pm3d drawing, see /g and /cF definitions. Usually, it makes sense to write therein definitions of only the 3 formulae used. But for multiplot or any other reason you may want to manually edit the transformations directly in the postscript file. This is the default option ‘nops_allcF‘. Using the option ‘ps_allcF‘ writes postscript definitions of all formulae. This you may find interesting if you want to edit the postscript file in order to have different palettes for different surfaces in one graph. Well, you can achieve this functionality by multiplot with fixed origin and size.

If pm3d map has been plotted from gridded or almost regular data with an output to a postscript file, then it is possible to reduce the size of this postscript file up to at about 50% by the enclosed awk script ‘pm3dCompress.awk‘. This you may find interesting if you intend to keep the file for including it into your publication or before downloading a very large file into a slow printer. Usage:

    awk -f pm3dCompress.awk >

If pm3d map has been plotted from rectangular gridded data with an output to a postscript file, then it is possible to reduce the file size even more by the enclosed awk script ‘pm3dConvertToImage.awk‘. Usage:

    awk -f pm3dConvertToImage.awk < >

You may manually change the postscript output from gray to color and vice versa and change the definition of <maxcolors>.

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