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The ‘emf‘ terminal generates an Enhanced Metafile Format file. This file format is recognized by many Windows applications.


      set terminal emf {color | monochrome} {solid | dashed}
                       {enhanced {noproportional}}
                       {rounded | butt}
                       {linewidth <LW>} {dashlength <DL>} {size XX,YY}
                       {"<fontname>"} {<fontsize>}    #old syntax
                       {font "<fontname>,<fontsize>"} #new syntax

In ‘monochrome‘ mode successive line types cycle through dash patterns. In ‘color‘ mode successive line types use successive colors, and only after all 8 default colors are exhausted is the dash pattern incremented. ‘solid‘ draws all curves with solid lines, overriding any dashed patterns; ‘linewidth <factor>‘ multiplies all line widths by this factor. ‘dashlength <factor>‘ is useful for thick lines. <fontname> is the name of a font; and ‘<fontsize>‘ is the size of the font in points.

The nominal size of the output image defaults to 1024x768 in arbitrary units. You may specify a different nominal size using the size option.

Enhanced text mode tries to approximate proportional character spacing. If you are using a monospaced font, or don’t like the approximation, you can turn off this correction using the ‘noproportional‘ option.

The default settings are ‘color dashed font "Arial,12" size 1024,768‘ Selecting ‘default‘ sets all options to their default values.


      set terminal emf 'Times Roman Italic' 12
      set terminal emf color solid    # no pesky dashes!"

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