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The ‘hpgl‘ driver produces HPGL output for devices like the HP7475A plotter. There are two options which can be set: the number of pens and ‘eject‘, which tells the plotter to eject a page when done. The default is to use 6 pens and not to eject the page when done.

The international character sets ISO-8859-1 and CP850 are recognized via ‘set encoding iso_8859_1‘ or ‘set encoding cp850‘ (see encoding for details).


      set terminal hpgl {<number_of_pens>} {eject}

The selection

      set terminal hpgl 8 eject

is equivalent to the previous ‘hp7550‘ terminal, and the selection

      set terminal hpgl 4

is equivalent to the previous ‘hp7580b‘ terminal.

The ‘pcl5‘ driver supports plotters such as the Hewlett-Packard Designjet 750C, the Hewlett-Packard Laserjet III, and the Hewlett-Packard Laserjet IV. It actually uses HPGL-2, but there is a name conflict among the terminal devices. It has several options which must be specified in the order indicated below:


      set terminal pcl5 {mode <mode>} {<plotsize>}
          {{color {<number_of_pens>}} | monochrome} {solid | dashed}
          {font <font>} {size <fontsize>} {pspoints | nopspoints}

<mode> is ‘landscape‘ or ‘portrait‘. <plotsize> is the physical plotting size of the plot, which is one of the following: ‘letter‘ for standard (8 1/2" X 11") displays, ‘legal‘ for (8 1/2" X 14") displays, ‘noextended‘ for (36" X 48") displays (a letter size ratio) or, ‘extended‘ for (36" X 55") displays (almost a legal size ratio). ‘color‘ is for multi-pen (i.e. color) plots, and <number_of_pens> is the number of pens (i.e. colors) used in color plots. ‘monochrome‘ is for one (e.g. black) pen plots. ‘solid‘ draws all lines as solid lines, or ‘dashed‘ will draw lines with different dashed and dotted line patterns. <font> is ‘stick‘, ‘univers‘, ‘cg_times‘, ‘zapf_dingbats‘, ‘antique_olive‘, ‘arial‘, ‘courier‘, ‘garamond_antigua‘, ‘letter_gothic‘, ‘cg_omega‘, ‘albertus‘, ‘times_new_roman‘, ‘clarendon‘, ‘coronet‘, ‘marigold‘, ‘truetype_symbols‘, or ‘wingdings‘. <fontsize> is the font size in points. The point type selection can be the standard default set by specifying ‘nopspoints‘, or the same set of point types found in the postscript terminal by specifying ‘pspoints‘.

Note that built-in support of some of these options is printer device dependent. For instance, all the fonts are supposedly supported by the HP Laserjet IV, but only a few (e.g. univers, stick) may be supported by the HP Laserjet III and the Designjet 750C. Also, color obviously won’t work on the the laserjets since they are monochrome devices.

Defaults: landscape, noextended, color (6 pens), solid, univers, 12 point,

          and nopspoints.

With ‘pcl5‘ international characters are handled by the printer; you just put the appropriate 8-bit character codes into the text strings. You don’t need to bother with encoding.

HPGL graphics can be imported by many software packages."

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