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     set terminal macintosh {singlewin | multiwin} {vertical | novertical}
                            {size <width>, <height> | default}

’singlewin’ limits the output to a single window and is useful for animations. ’multiwin’ allows multiple windows. ’vertical’ is only valid under the gx option. With this option, rotated text will be drawn vertically. novertical turns this option off. size <width>, <height> overrides the graph size set in the preferences dialog until it is cleared with either ’set term mac size default’ or ’set term mac default’.

’set term mac size default’ sets the window size settings to those set in the preferences dialog.

’set term mac default’ sets all options to their default values. Default values: nogx, multiwin, novertical.

If you generate graphs under the multiwin option and then switch to singlewin, the next plot command will cause one more window to be created. This new window will be reused as long as singlewin is in effect. If you switch back to multiwin, generate some graphs, and then switch to singlewin again, the orginal ’singlewin’ window will be resused if it is still open. Otherwise a new ’singlewin’ window will be created. The ’singlewin’ window is not numbered."

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