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The ‘mif‘ terminal driver produces Frame Maker MIF format version 3.00. It plots in MIF Frames with the size 15*10 cm, and plot primitives with the same pen will be grouped in the same MIF group. Plot primitives in a ‘gnuplot‘ page will be plotted in a MIF Frame, and several MIF Frames are collected in one large MIF Frame. The MIF font used for text is "Times".

Several options may be set in the MIF 3.00 driver.


      set terminal mif {color | colour | monochrome} {polyline | vectors}
                       {help | ?}

‘colour‘ plots lines with line types >= 0 in colour (MIF sep. 2–7) and ‘monochrome‘ plots all line types in black (MIF sep. 0). ‘polyline‘ plots curves as continuous curves and vectors plots curves as collections of vectors. help and ‘?‘ print online help on standard error output—both print a short description of the usage; help also lists the options.


      set term mif colour polylines    # defaults
      set term mif                     # defaults
      set term mif vectors
      set term mif help"

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