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This terminal produces files in the W3C Scalable Vector Graphics format.


      set terminal svg {size <x>,<y> {|fixed|dynamic}}
                       {fname "<font>"} {fsize <fontsize>}
                       {font "<fontname>{,<fontsize>}"}
                       {fontfile <filename>}
                       {rounded|butt} {solid|dashed} {linewidth <lw>}

where <x> and <y> are the size of the SVG plot to generate, ‘dynamic‘ allows a svg-viewer to resize plot, whereas the default setting, ‘fixed‘, will request an absolute size.

‘linewidth <w>‘ increases the width of all lines used in the figure by a factor of <w>.

<font> is the name of the default font to use (default Arial) and <fontsize> is the font size (in points, default 12). SVG viewing programs may substitute other fonts when the file is displayed.

The svg terminal supports an enhanced text mode, which allows font and other formatting commands to be embedded in labels and other text strings. The enhanced text mode syntax is shared with other gnuplot terminal types. See ‘enhanced‘ for more details.

SVG allows you to embed fonts directly into an SVG document, or to provide a hypertext link to the desired font. The ‘fontfile‘ option specifies a local file which is copied into the <defs> section of the resulting SVG output file. This file may either itself contain a font, or may contain the records necessary to create a hypertext reference to the desired font. Gnuplot will look for the requested file using the directory list in the GNUPLOT_FONTPATH environmental variable. NB: You must embed an svg font, not a TrueType or PostScript font."

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