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Three options may be set in the ‘windows‘ terminal driver.
set terminal windows {color | monochrome} {enhanced | noenhanced} {{font} "fontname{,fontsize}" {<fontsize>}} {title "Plot Window Title"} {size <width>,<height>} {position <x>,<y>} {close}
where ‘color‘ and ‘monochrome‘ select colored or mono output, ‘enhanced‘ enables enhanced text mode features (subscripts, superscripts and mixed fonts). See ‘enhanced‘ for more information. ‘"<fontname>"‘ is the name of a valid Windows font, and ‘<fontsize>‘ is the size of the font in points. size defines the width and height of the window in pixel and ‘position‘ the origin of the window i.e. the position of the top left corner on the screen (again in pixel). Both these options override the default settings from the WGNUPLOT.INI file (see below).
Other options may be set with the graph-menu or the initialization file.
The Windows version normally terminates immediately as soon as the end of any files given as command line arguments is reached (i.e. in non-interactive mode), unless you specify ‘-‘ as the last command line option. It will also not show the text-window at all, in this mode, only the plot. By giving the optional argument ‘-persist‘ (same as for gnuplot under x11; former Windows-only options ‘/noend‘ or ‘-noend‘ are still accepted as well), will not close gnuplot. Contrary to gnuplot on other operating systems, gnuplot’s interactive command line is accessible after the -persist option.
The plot window remains open even when the gnuplot driver is changed to a different device. The plot window can be close with ‘set term windows close‘
The ‘gnuplot graph‘ window has the following options on a pop-up menu accessed by pressing the right mouse button or selecting ‘Options‘ from the system menu:
‘Bring to Top‘ when checked brings the graph window to the top after every plot.
‘Color‘ when checked enables color linestyles. When unchecked it forces monochrome linestyles.
‘Copy to Clipboard‘ copies a bitmap and an enhanced Metafile picture.
‘Save as EMF...‘ allows the user to save the current graph window as enhanced metafile
‘Background...‘ sets the window background color.
‘Choose Font...‘ selects the font used in the graphics window.
‘Line Styles...‘ allows customization of the line colors and styles.
‘Print...‘ prints the graphics windows using a Windows printer driver and allows selection of the printer and scaling of the output. The output produced by ‘Print‘ is not as good as that from ‘gnuplot‘’s own printer drivers.
‘Update wgnuplot.ini‘ saves the current window locations, window sizes, text window font, text window font size, graph window font, graph window font size, background color and linestyles to the initialization file ‘WGNUPLOT.INI‘.
In order of preference, graphs may be be printed in the following ways.
‘1.‘ Use the ‘gnuplot‘ command terminal to select a printer and output to redirect output to a file.
‘2.‘ Select the ‘Print...‘ command from the ‘gnuplot graph‘ window. An extra command ‘screendump‘ does this from the text window.
‘3.‘ If ‘set output "PRN"‘ is used, output will go to a temporary file. When you exit from ‘gnuplot‘ or when you change the output with another output command, a dialog box will appear for you to select a printer port. If you choose OK, the output will be printed on the selected port, passing unmodified through the print manager. It is possible to accidentally (or deliberately) send printer output meant for one printer to an incompatible printer.
The ‘gnuplot text‘ window has the following options on a pop-up menu accessed by pressing the right mouse button or selecting ‘Options‘ from the system menu:
‘Copy to Clipboard‘ copies marked text to the clipboard.
‘Paste‘ copies text from the clipboard as if typed by the user.
‘Choose Font...‘ selects the font used in the text window.
‘System Colors‘ when selected makes the text window honor the System Colors set using the Control Panel. When unselected, text is black or blue on a white background.
‘Update wgnuplot.ini‘ saves the current text window location, text window size, text window font and text window font size to the initialisation file ‘WGNUPLOT.INI‘.
If the menu file ‘WGNUPLOT.MNU‘ is found in the same directory as WGNUPLOT.EXE, then the menu specified in ‘WGNUPLOT.MNU‘ will be loaded. Menu commands:
[Menu] starts a new menu with the name on the following line.
[EndMenu] ends the current menu.
[–] inserts a horizontal menu separator.
[|] inserts a vertical menu separator.
[Button] puts the next macro on a push button instead of a menu.
Macros take two lines with the macro name (menu entry) on the first line and the macro on the second line. Leading spaces are ignored. Macro commands:
[INPUT] — Input string with prompt terminated by [EOS] or {ENTER}
[EOS] — End Of String terminator. Generates no output.
[OPEN] — Get name of file to open from list box, with title of list box terminated by [EOS], followed by default filename terminated by [EOS] or {ENTER}.
[SAVE] — Get name of file to save. Similar to [OPEN]
Macro character substitutions:
{ENTER} — Carriage Return ’\\r’
{TAB} — Tab ’\\011’
{ESC} — Escape ’\\033’
{^A} — ’\\001’
{^_} — ’\\031’
Macros are limited to 256 characters after expansion.
Windows ‘gnuplot‘ will read some of its options from the ‘[WGNUPLOT]‘ section of ‘WGNUPLOT.INI‘ in user’s %APPDATA% directory. A sample ‘WGNUPLOT.INI‘ file:
[WGNUPLOT] TextOrigin=0 0 TextSize=640 150 TextFont=Terminal,9 GraphOrigin=0 150 GraphSize=640 330 GraphFont=Arial,10 GraphColor=1 GraphToTop=1 GraphBackground=255 255 255 Border=0 0 0 0 0 Axis=192 192 192 2 2 Line1=0 0 255 0 0 Line2=0 255 0 0 1 Line3=255 0 0 0 2 Line4=255 0 255 0 3 Line5=0 0 128 0 4
The ‘GraphFont‘ entry specifies the font name and size in points. The five numbers given in the ‘Border‘, ‘Axis‘ and ‘Line‘ entries are the ‘Red‘ intensity (0–255), ‘Green‘ intensity, ‘Blue‘ intensity, ‘Color Linestyle‘ and ‘Mono Linestyle‘. ‘Linestyles‘ are 0=SOLID, 1=DASH, 2=DOT, 3=DASHDOT, 4=DASHDOTDOT. In the sample ‘WGNUPLOT.INI‘ file above, Line 2 is a green solid line in color mode, or a dashed line in monochrome mode. The default line width is 1 pixel. If ‘Linestyle‘ is negative, it specifies the width of a SOLID line in pixels. Line1 and any linestyle used with the ‘points‘ style must be SOLID with unit width."
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