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‘gnuplot‘ provides the ‘x11‘ terminal type for use with X servers. This terminal type is set automatically at startup if the ‘DISPLAY‘ environment variable is set, if the ‘TERM‘ environment variable is set to ‘xterm‘, or if the ‘-display‘ command line option is used.


   set terminal x11 {<n> | window "<string>"}
                    {title "<string>"}
                    {{no}enhanced} {font <fontspec>}
                    {linewidth LW} {solid|dashed}
                    {{no}persist} {{no}raise} {{no}ctrlq}
                    {size XX,YY} {position XX,YY}
   set terminal x11 {reset}

Multiple plot windows are supported: ‘set terminal x11 <n>‘ directs the output to plot window number n. If n is not 0, the terminal number will be appended to the window title (unless a title has been supplied manually) and the icon will be labeled ‘Gnuplot <n>‘. The active window may be distinguished by a change in cursor (from default to crosshair).

The ‘x11‘ terminal can connect to X windows previously created by an outside application via the option ‘window‘ followed by a string containing the X ID for the window in hexadecimal format. Gnuplot uses that external X window as a container since X does not allow for multiple clients selecting the ButtonPress event. In this way, gnuplot’s mouse features work within the contained plot window.

   set term x11 window "220001e"

The x11 terminal supports enhanced text mode (see ‘enhanced‘), subject to the available fonts. In order for font size commands embedded in text to have any effect, the default x11 font must be scalable. Thus the first example below will work as expected, but the second will not.

   set term x11 enhanced font "arial,15" 
   set title '{/=20 Big} Medium {/=5 Small}' 

   set term x11 enhanced font "terminal-14" 
   set title '{/=20 Big} Medium {/=5 Small}' 

Plot windows remain open even when the ‘gnuplot‘ driver is changed to a different device. A plot window can be closed by pressing the letter q while that window has input focus, or by choosing ‘close‘ from a window manager menu. All plot windows can be closed by specifying reset, which actually terminates the subprocess which maintains the windows (unless ‘-persist‘ was specified). The ‘close‘ command can be used to close individual plot windows by number. However, after a reset, those plot windows left due to persist cannot be closed with the command ‘close‘. A ‘close‘ without a number closes the current active plot window.

The gnuplot outboard driver, gnuplot_x11, is searched in a default place chosen when the program is compiled. You can override that by defining the environment variable GNUPLOT_DRIVER_DIR to point to a different location.

Plot windows will automatically be closed at the end of the session unless the ‘-persist‘ option was given.

The options ‘persist‘ and raise are unset by default, which means that the defaults (persist == no and raise == yes) or the command line options -persist / -raise or the Xresources are taken. If [no]persist or [no]raise are specified, they will override command line options and Xresources. Setting one of these options takes place immediately, so the behaviour of an already running driver can be modified. If the window does not get raised, see discussion in raise.

The option ‘title "<title name>"‘ will supply the title name of the window for the current plot window or plot window <n> if a number is given. Where (or if) this title is shown depends on your X window manager.

The size option can be used to set the size of the plot window. The size option will only apply to newly created windows.

The position option can be used to set the position of the plot window. The position option will only apply to newly created windows.

The size or aspect ratio of a plot may be changed by resizing the ‘gnuplot‘ window.

Linewidths and pointsizes may be changed from within ‘gnuplot‘ with ‘set linestyle‘.

For terminal type ‘x11‘, ‘gnuplot‘ accepts (when initialized) the standard X Toolkit options and resources such as geometry, font, and name from the command line arguments or a configuration file. See the X(1) man page (or its equivalent) for a description of such options.

A number of other ‘gnuplot‘ options are available for the ‘x11‘ terminal. These may be specified either as command-line options when ‘gnuplot‘ is invoked or as resources in the configuration file ".Xdefaults". They are set upon initialization and cannot be altered during a ‘gnuplot‘ session. (except ‘persist‘ and raise)

— X11_FONTS —

Upon initial startup, the default font is taken from the X11 resources as set in the system or user .Xdefaults file or on the command line.


      gnuplot*font: lucidasans-bold-12

A new default font may be specified to the x11 driver from inside gnuplot using

     `set term x11 font "<fontspec>"`

The driver first queries the X-server for a font of the exact name given. If this query fails, then it tries to interpret <fontspec> as "<font>,<size>,<slant>,<weight>" and to construct a full X11 font name of the form


 <font> is the base name of the font (e.g. Times or Symbol)
 <size> is the point size (defaults to 12 if not specified)
 <s> is `i` if <slant>=="italic" `o` if <slant>=="oblique" `r` otherwise
 <weight> is `medium` or `bold` if explicitly requested, otherwise `*`
 <encoding> is set based on the current character set (see encoding).

So ‘set term x11 font "arial,15,italic"‘ will be translated to -*-arial-*-i-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 (assuming default encoding). The <size>, <slant>, and <weight> specifications are all optional. If you do not specify <slant> or <weight> then you will get whatever font variant the font server offers first. You may set a default enconding via the corresponding X11 resource. E.g.

      gnuplot*encoding: iso8859-15

The driver also recognizes some common PostScript font names and replaces them with possible X11 or TrueType equivalents. This same sequence is used to process font requests from ‘set label‘.

If your gnuplot was built with configuration option –enable-x11-mbfonts, you can specify multi-byte fonts by using the prefix "mbfont:" on the font name. An additional font may be given, separated by a semicolon. Since multi-byte font encodings are interpreted according to the locale setting, you must make sure that the environmental variable LC_CTYPE is set to some appropriate locale value such as ja_JP.eucJP, ko_KR.EUC, or zh_CN.EUC.


      set term x11 font 'mbfont:kana14;k14'
            # 'kana14' and 'k14' are Japanese X11 font aliases, and ';'
            # is the separator of font names.
      set term x11 font 'mbfont:fixed,16,r,medium'
            # <font>,<size>,<slant>,<weight> form is also usable.
      set title '(mb strings)' font 'mbfont:*-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-*'

The same syntax applies to the default font in Xresources settings, for example,

      gnuplot*font: \\

If gnuplot is built with –enable-x11-mbfonts, you can use two special PostScript font names ’Ryumin-Light-*’ and ’GothicBBB-Medium-*’ (standard Japanese PS fonts) without the prefix "mbfont:".


In addition to the X Toolkit options, the following options may be specified on the command line when starting ‘gnuplot‘ or as resources in your ".Xdefaults" file (note that raise and ‘persist‘ can be overridden later by ‘set term x11 [no]raise [no]persist)‘:

 `-mono`     forces monochrome rendering on color displays.
 `-gray`     requests grayscale rendering on grayscale or color displays.
             (Grayscale displays receive monochrome rendering by default.)
 `-clear`    requests that the window be cleared momentarily before a
             new plot is displayed.
 `-tvtwm`    requests that geometry specifications for position of the
             window be made relative to the currently displayed portion
             of the virtual root.
 `-raise`    raises plot window after each plot
 `-noraise`  does not raise plot window after each plot
 `-noevents` does not process mouse and key events
 `-ctrlq   ` closes window on ctrl-q rather than q
 `-persist`  plot windows survive after main gnuplot program exits

The options are shown above in their command-line syntax. When entered as resources in ".Xdefaults", they require a different syntax.


      gnuplot*gray:  on
      gnuplot*ctrlq: on

‘gnuplot‘ also provides a command line option (‘-pointsize <v>‘) and a resource, ‘gnuplot*pointsize: <v>‘, to control the size of points plotted with the ‘points‘ plotting style. The value ‘v‘ is a real number (greater than 0 and less than or equal to ten) used as a scaling factor for point sizes. For example, ‘-pointsize 2‘ uses points twice the default size, and ‘-pointsize 0.5‘ uses points half the normal size.

The ‘-noevents‘ switch disables all mouse and key event processing (except for ‘q‘ and ‘<space>‘ for closing the window). This is useful for programs which use the x11 driver independent of the gnuplot main program.

The ‘-ctrlq‘ switch changes the hot-key that closes a plot window from ‘q‘ to ‘<ctrl>q‘. This is useful is you are using the keystroke-capture feature ‘pause mouse keystroke‘, since it allows the character ‘q‘ to be captured just as all other alphanumeric characters. The ‘-ctrlq‘ switch similarly replaces the <space> hot-key with <ctrl><space> for the same reason.


For monochrome displays, ‘gnuplot‘ does not honor foreground or background colors. The default is black-on-white. ‘-rv‘ or ‘gnuplot*reverseVideo: on‘ requests white-on-black.


The X11 terminal honors the following resources (shown here with their default values) or the greyscale resources. The values may be color names as listed in the X11 rgb.txt file on your system, hexadecimal RGB color specifications (see X11 documentation), or a color name followed by a comma and an ‘intensity‘ value from 0 to 1. For example, ‘blue, 0.5‘ means a half intensity blue.

 gnuplot*background:  white
 gnuplot*textColor:   black
 gnuplot*borderColor: black
 gnuplot*axisColor:   black
 gnuplot*line1Color:  red
 gnuplot*line2Color:  green
 gnuplot*line3Color:  blue
 gnuplot*line4Color:  magenta
 gnuplot*line5Color:  cyan
 gnuplot*line6Color:  sienna
 gnuplot*line7Color:  orange
 gnuplot*line8Color:  coral

The command-line syntax for these is simple only for background, which maps directly to the usual X11 toolkit option "-bg". All others can only be set on the command line by use of the generic "-xrm" resource override option


      gnuplot -background coral

to change the background color.

      gnuplot -xrm 'gnuplot*line1Color:blue'

to override the first linetype color.


When ‘-gray‘ is selected, ‘gnuplot‘ honors the following resources for grayscale or color displays (shown here with their default values). Note that the default background is black.

 gnuplot*background: black
 gnuplot*textGray:   white
 gnuplot*borderGray: gray50
 gnuplot*axisGray:   gray50
 gnuplot*line1Gray:  gray100
 gnuplot*line2Gray:  gray60
 gnuplot*line3Gray:  gray80
 gnuplot*line4Gray:  gray40
 gnuplot*line5Gray:  gray90
 gnuplot*line6Gray:  gray50
 gnuplot*line7Gray:  gray70
 gnuplot*line8Gray:  gray30


‘gnuplot‘ honors the following resources for setting the width (in pixels) of plot lines (shown here with their default values.) 0 or 1 means a minimal width line of 1 pixel width. A value of 2 or 3 may improve the appearance of some plots.

 gnuplot*borderWidth: 2
 gnuplot*axisWidth:   0
 gnuplot*line1Width:  0
 gnuplot*line2Width:  0
 gnuplot*line3Width:  0
 gnuplot*line4Width:  0
 gnuplot*line5Width:  0
 gnuplot*line6Width:  0
 gnuplot*line7Width:  0
 gnuplot*line8Width:  0

‘gnuplot‘ honors the following resources for setting the dash style used for plotting lines. 0 means a solid line. A two-digit number ‘jk‘ (‘j‘ and ‘k‘ are >= 1 and <= 9) means a dashed line with a repeated pattern of ‘j‘ pixels on followed by ‘k‘ pixels off. For example, ’16’ is a dotted line with one pixel on followed by six pixels off. More elaborate on/off patterns can be specified with a four-digit value. For example, ’4441’ is four on, four off, four on, one off. The default values shown below are for monochrome displays or monochrome rendering on color or grayscale displays. Color displays default to dashed:off

 gnuplot*dashed:       off
 gnuplot*borderDashes:   0
 gnuplot*axisDashes:    16
 gnuplot*line1Dashes:    0
 gnuplot*line2Dashes:   42
 gnuplot*line3Dashes:   13
 gnuplot*line4Dashes:   44
 gnuplot*line5Dashes:   15
 gnuplot*line6Dashes: 4441
 gnuplot*line7Dashes:   42
 gnuplot*line8Dashes:   13

, "


Choosing the appropriate visual class and number of colors is a crucial point in X11 applications and a bit awkward, since X11 supports six visual types in different depths.

By default ‘gnuplot‘ uses the default visual of the screen. The number of colors which can be allocated depends on the visual class chosen. On a visual class with a depth > 12bit, gnuplot starts with a maximal number of 0x200 colors. On a visual class with a depth > 8bit (but <= 12 bit) the maximal number of colors is 0x100, on <= 8bit displays the maximum number of colors is 240 (16 are left for line colors).

Gnuplot first starts to allocate the maximal number of colors as stated above. If this fails, the number of colors is reduced by the factor 2 until gnuplot gets all colors which are requested. If dividing ‘maxcolors‘ by 2 repeatedly results in a number which is smaller than ‘mincolors‘ ‘gnuplot‘ tries to install a private colormap. In this case the window manager is responsible for swapping colormaps when the pointer is moved in and out the x11 driver’s window.

The default for ‘mincolors‘ is maxcolors / (num_colormaps > 1 ? 2 : 8), where num_colormaps is the number of colormaps which are currently used by gnuplot (usually 1, if only one x11 window is open).

Some systems support multiple (different) visual classes together on one screen. On these systems it might be necessary to force gnuplot to use a specific visual class, e.g. the default visual might be 8bit PseudoColor but the screen would also support 24bit TrueColor which would be the preferred choice.

The information about an Xserver’s capabilities can be obtained with the program ‘xdpyinfo‘. For the visual names below you can choose one of StaticGray, GrayScale, StaticColor, PseudoColor, TrueColor, DirectColor. If an Xserver supports a requested visual type at different depths, ‘gnuplot‘ chooses the visual class with the highest depth (deepest). If the requested visual class matches the default visual and multiple classes of this type are supported, the default visual is preferred.

Example: on an 8bit PseudoColor visual you can force a private color map by specifying ‘gnuplot*maxcolors: 240‘ and ‘gnuplot*mincolors: 240‘.

 gnuplot*maxcolors:  <integer>
 gnuplot*mincolors:  <integer>
 gnuplot*visual:     <visual name>

, "


By default the contents of the current plot window are exported to the X11 clipboard in response to X events in the window. Setting the resource ’gnuplot*exportselection’ to ’off’ or ’false’ will disable this.

By default text rotation is done using a method that is fast, but can corrupt nearby colors depending on the background. If this is a problem, you can set the resource ’gnuplot.fastrotate’ to ’off’

 gnuplot*exportselection:  off
 gnuplot*fastrotate:  on
 gnuplot*ctrlq:  off

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