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6.1 Gnuplot limitations

Floating point exceptions (floating point number too large/small, divide by zero, etc.) may occasionally be generated by user defined functions. Some of the demos in particular may cause numbers to exceed the floating point range. Whether the system ignores such exceptions (in which case ‘gnuplot‘ labels the corresponding point as undefined) or aborts ‘gnuplot‘ depends on the compiler/runtime environment.

The gamma, bessel, and erf functions do not work for complex arguments.

Only one color palette at a time is active for any given x11 plot window. This means that multiplots whose constituent plots use different palettes will not display correctly in x11.

Coordinates specified as "time" wrap at 24 hours, and have a precision limited to 1 second. This is in particular a limitation in using time format to handle geographic coordinates.

Error bars are not handled properly in polar/spherical coordinate plot modes.

The ’nohidden3d’ option that is supposed to exempt individual plots from the global property ’set hidden3d’ does not work for parametric curves.

This document was generated on November 19, 2011 using texi2html 5.0.

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