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The following is a list of all the binary operators and their usages:

    Symbol       Example      Explanation
      **          a**b          exponentiation
      *           a*b           multiplication
      /           a/b           division
      %           a%b         * modulo
      +           a+b           addition
      -           a-b           subtraction
      ==          a==b          equality
      !=          a!=b          inequality
      <           a<b           less than
      <=          a<=b          less than or equal to
      >           a>b           greater than
      >=          a>=b          greater than or equal to
      &           a&b         * bitwise AND
      ^           a^b         * bitwise exclusive OR
      |           a|b         * bitwise inclusive OR
      &&          a&&b        * logical AND
      ||          a||b        * logical OR
      =           a = b         assignment
      ,           (a,b)         serial evaluation
      .           A.B           string concatenation
      eq          A eq B        string equality
      ne          A ne B        string inequality

(*) Starred explanations indicate that the operator requires integer arguments. Capital letters A and B indicate that the operator requires string arguments.

Logical AND (&&) and OR (||) short-circuit the way they do in C. That is, the second ‘&&‘ operand is not evaluated if the first is false; the second ‘||‘ operand is not evaluated if the first is true.

Serial evaluation occurs only in parentheses and is guaranteed to proceed in left to right order. The value of the rightmost subexpression is returned.

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