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4.1.21 fig

The ‘fig‘ terminal device generates output in the Fig graphics language.


      set terminal fig {monochrome | color}
                       {landscape | portrait}
                       {small | big | size <xsize> <ysize>}
                       {metric | inches}
                       {pointsmax <max_points>}
                       {solid | dashed}
                       {font "<fontname>{,<fontsize>}"}
                       {textnormal | {textspecial texthidden textrigid}}
                       {{thickness|linewidth} <units>}
                       {depth <layer>}
                       {version <number>}

‘monochrome‘ and ‘color‘ determine whether the picture is black-and-white or ‘color‘. ‘small‘ and ‘big‘ produce a 5x3 or 8x5 inch graph in the default ‘landscape‘ mode and 3x5 or 5x8 inches in ‘portrait‘ mode. size sets (overrides) the size of the drawing area to <xsize>*<ysize> in units of inches or centimeters depending on the ‘inches‘ or ‘metric‘ setting in effect. The latter settings is also used as default units for editing with "xfig".

‘pointsmax <max_points>‘ sets the maximum number of points per polyline.

‘solid‘ inhibits automatic usage of ‘dash‘ed lines when solid linestyles are used up, which otherwise occurs.

‘font‘ sets the text font face to <fontname> and its size to <fontsize> points. ‘textnormal‘ resets the text flags and selects postscript fonts, ‘textspecial‘ sets the text flags for LaTeX specials, ‘texthidden‘ sets the hidden flag and ‘textrigid‘ the rigid flag.

‘depth‘ sets the default depth layer for all lines and text. The default depth is 10 to leave room for adding material with "xfig" on top of the plot.

version sets the format version of the generated fig output. Currently only versions 3.1 and 3.2 are supported.

‘thickness‘ sets the default line thickness, which is 1 if not specified. Overriding the thickness can be achieved by adding a multiple of 100 to the ‘linetype‘ value for a ‘plot‘ command. In a similar way the ‘depth‘ of plot elements (with respect to the default depth) can be controlled by adding a multiple of 1000 to <linetype>. The depth is then <layer> + <linetype>/1000 and the thickness is (<linetype>%1000)/100 or, if that is zero, the default line thickness. ‘linewidth‘ is a synonym for ‘thickness‘.

Additional point-plot symbols are also available with the ‘fig‘ driver. The symbols can be used through ‘pointtype‘ values % 100 above 50, with different fill intensities controlled by <pointtype> % 5 and outlines in black (for <pointtype> % 10 < 5) or in the current color. Available symbols are

        50 - 59:  circles
        60 - 69:  squares
        70 - 79:  diamonds
        80 - 89:  upwards triangles
        90 - 99:  downwards triangles

The size of these symbols is linked to the font size. The depth of symbols is by default one less than the depth for lines to achieve nice error bars. If <pointtype> is above 1000, the depth is <layer> + <pointtype>/1000-1. If <pointtype>%1000 is above 100, the fill color is (<pointtype>%1000)/100-1.

Available fill colors are (from 1 to 9): black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, yellow, white and dark blue (in monochrome mode: black for 1 to 6 and white for 7 to 9).

See with for details of <linetype> and <pointtype>.

The ‘big‘ option is a substitute for the ‘bfig‘ terminal in earlier versions, which is no longer supported.


      set terminal fig monochrome small pointsmax 1000  # defaults

      plot 'file.dat' with points linetype 102 pointtype 759

would produce circles with a blue outline of width 1 and yellow fill color.

      plot 'file.dat' using 1:2:3 with err linetype 1 pointtype 554

would produce errorbars with black lines and circles filled red. These circles are one layer above the lines (at depth 9 by default).

To plot the error bars on top of the circles use

      plot 'file.dat' using 1:2:3 with err linetype 1 pointtype 2554"

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