File:, Node: Copy Mode, Prev: Parameters, Up: Writing Macros
5.24.2 Copy Mode
When GNU 'troff' processes certain requests, most importantly those
which define or append to a macro or string, it does so in "copy mode":
it copies the characters of the definition into a dedicated storage
region, interpolating the escape sequences '\n', '\g', '\$', '\*', '\V',
and '\?' normally; interpreting '\' immediately; discarding
comments '\"' and '\#'; interpolating the current leader, escape, or tab
character with '\a', '\e', and '\t', respectively; and storing all other
escape sequences in an encoded form.
The complement of copy mode--a 'roff' formatter's behavior when not
defining or appending to a macro, string, or diversion--where all macros
are interpolated, requests invoked, and valid escape sequences processed
immediately upon recognition, can be termed "interpretation mode".
-- Escape sequence: \\
The escape character, '\' by default, can escape itself. This
enables you to control whether a given '\n', '\g', '\$', '\*',
'\V', or '\?' escape sequence is interpreted at the time the macro
containing it is defined, or later when the macro is called.(1)
(*note Copy Mode-Footnote-1::)
.nr x 20
.de y
.nr x 10
=> 20 10
You can think of '\\' as a "delayed" backslash; it is the escape
character followed by a backslash from which the escape character
has removed its special meaning. Consequently, '\\' is not an
escape sequence in the usual sense. In any escape sequence '\X'
that GNU 'troff' does not recognize, the escape character is
ignored and X is output. An unrecognized escape sequence causes a
warning in category 'escape', with two exceptions--'\\' is the
-- Escape sequence: \.
'\.' escapes the control character. It is similar to '\\' in that
it isn't a true escape sequence. It is used to permit nested macro
definitions to end without a named macro call to conclude them.
Without a syntax for escaping the control character, this would not
be possible.
.de m1
. de m2
=> foo bar
The first backslash is consumed while the macro is read, and the
second is interpreted when macro 'm1' is called.
'roff' documents should not use the '\\' or '\.' character sequences
outside of copy mode; they serve only to obfuscate the input. Use '\e'
to represent the escape character, '\[rs]' to obtain a backslash glyph,
and '\&' before '.' and ''' where GNU 'troff' expects them as control
characters if you mean to use them literally (recall *note Requests and
Macro definitions can be nested to arbitrary depth. The mechanics of
parsing the escape character have significant consequences for this
.de M1
. de M2
. de M3
. M3 hand.
. M2 of
This understeer is getting
.M1 out
=> This understeer is getting out of hand.
Each escape character is interpreted twice--once in copy mode, when
the macro is defined, and once in interpretation mode, when the macro is
called. As seen above, this fact leads to exponential growth in the
quantity of escape characters required to delay interpolation of '\n',
'\g', '\$', '\*', '\V', and '\?' at each nesting level, which can be
daunting. GNU 'troff' offers a solution.
-- Escape sequence: \E
'\E' represents an escape character that is not interpreted in copy
mode. You can use it to ease the writing of nested macro
.de M1
. nop \E$1
. de M2
. nop \E$1
. de M3
. nop \E$1
. M3 better.
. M2 bit
This vehicle handles
.M1 a
=> This vehicle handles a bit better.
Observe that because '\.' is not a true escape sequence, we can't
use '\E' to keep '..' from ending a macro definition prematurely.
If the multiplicity of backslashes complicates maintenance, use end
'\E' is also convenient to define strings containing escape
sequences that need to work when used in copy mode (for example, as
macro arguments), or which will be interpolated at varying macro
nesting depths. We might define strings to begin and end
superscripting as follows.(2) (*note Copy Mode-Footnote-2::)
.ds { \v'-.9m\s'\En[.s]*7u/10u'+.7m'
.ds } \v'-.7m\s0+.9m'
When the 'ec' request is used to redefine the escape character,
'\E' also makes it easier to distinguish the semantics of an escape
character from the other meaning(s) its character might have.
Consider the use of an unusual escape character, '-'.
.nr a 1
.ec -
.de xx
=> -na
This result may surprise you; some people expect '1' to be output
since register 'a' has clearly been defined with that value. What
has happened? The robotic replacement of '\' with '-' has led us
astray. You might recognize the sequence '--' more readily with
the default escape character as '\-', the special character escape
sequence for the minus sign glyph.
.nr a 1
.ec -
.de xx
=> 1