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File:,  Node: Diversion Traps,  Next: Input Line Traps,  Prev: The Implicit Page Trap,  Up: Vertical Position Traps Diversion Traps

A diversion is not formatted in the context of a page, so it lacks page
location traps; instead it can have a "diversion trap".  There can exist
at most one such vertical position trap per diversion.

 -- Request: .dt [dist name]
     Set a trap _within_ a diversion at location DIST, which is
     interpreted relative to diversion rather than page boundaries.  If
     invoked with fewer than two arguments, any diversion trap in the
     current diversion is removed.  The register '.t' works within
     diversions.  It is an error to invoke 'dt' in the top-level
     diversion.  *Note Diversions::.

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