File:, Node: Request Index, Next: Escape Sequence Index, Prev: Copying This Manual, Up: Top Appendix B Request Index ************************ Request names appear without a leading control character; the defaults are '.' for the regular control character and ''' for the no-break control character. * Menu: * ab: Debugging. (line 55) * ad: Manipulating Filling and Adjustment. (line 83) * af: Assigning Register Formats. (line 12) * aln: Setting Registers. (line 110) * als: Strings. (line 198) * am: Writing Macros. (line 126) * am1: Writing Macros. (line 127) * ami: Writing Macros. (line 128) * ami1: Writing Macros. (line 129) * as: Strings. (line 114) * as1: Strings. (line 115) * asciify: Diversions. (line 208) * backtrace: Debugging. (line 104) * bd: Artificial Fonts. (line 95) * blm: Blank Line Traps. (line 7) * box: Diversions. (line 63) * boxa: Diversions. (line 64) * bp: Page Control. (line 11) * br: Manipulating Filling and Adjustment. (line 39) * break: while. (line 72) * brp: Manipulating Filling and Adjustment. (line 156) * c2: Control Characters. (line 29) * cc: Control Characters. (line 23) * ce: Manipulating Filling and Adjustment. (line 208) * cf: I/O. (line 58) * cflags: Using Symbols. (line 252) * ch: Page Location Traps. (line 114) * char: Using Symbols. (line 351) * chop: Strings. (line 145) * class: Character Classes. (line 12) * close: I/O. (line 240) * color: Colors. (line 15) * composite: Using Symbols. (line 208) * continue: while. (line 76) * cp: Compatibility Mode. (line 16) * cs: Artificial Fonts. (line 125) * cu: Artificial Fonts. (line 86) * da: Diversions. (line 32) * de: Writing Macros. (line 14) * de1: Writing Macros. (line 86) * defcolor: Colors. (line 27) * dei: Writing Macros. (line 108) * dei1: Writing Macros. (line 109) * device: Postprocessor Access. (line 15) * devicem: Postprocessor Access. (line 45) * di: Diversions. (line 31) * do: Compatibility Mode. (line 27) * ds: ms Document Control Settings. (line 15) * ds <1>: Strings. (line 24) * ds1: Strings. (line 25) * dt: Diversion Traps. (line 11) * ec: Using Escape Sequences. (line 76) * ecr: Using Escape Sequences. (line 102) * ecs: Using Escape Sequences. (line 101) * el: if-else. (line 8) * em: End-of-input Traps. (line 7) * eo: Using Escape Sequences. (line 71) * ev: Environments. (line 46) * evc: Environments. (line 100) * ex: Debugging. (line 60) * fam: Font Families. (line 21) * fc: Fields. (line 18) * fchar: Using Symbols. (line 352) * fcolor: Colors. (line 85) * fi: Manipulating Filling and Adjustment. (line 66) * fl: Debugging. (line 95) * fp: Font Positions. (line 16) * fschar: Using Symbols. (line 353) * fspecial: Special Fonts. (line 18) * ft: Selecting Fonts. (line 11) * ftr: Selecting Fonts. (line 69) * fzoom: Selecting Fonts. (line 83) * gcolor: Colors. (line 57) * hc: Manipulating Hyphenation. (line 88) * hcode: Manipulating Hyphenation. (line 293) * hla: Manipulating Hyphenation. (line 327) * hlm: Manipulating Hyphenation. (line 340) * hpf: Manipulating Hyphenation. (line 233) * hpfa: Manipulating Hyphenation. (line 234) * hpfcode: Manipulating Hyphenation. (line 235) * hw: Manipulating Hyphenation. (line 22) * hy: Manipulating Hyphenation. (line 120) * hym: Manipulating Hyphenation. (line 354) * hys: Manipulating Hyphenation. (line 369) * ie: if-else. (line 7) * if: if-then. (line 7) * ig: Comments. (line 54) * in: Line Layout. (line 86) * it: Input Line Traps. (line 7) * itc: Input Line Traps. (line 8) * kern: Ligatures and Kerning. (line 41) * lc: Leaders. (line 22) * length: Strings. (line 135) * lf: Debugging. (line 31) * lg: Ligatures and Kerning. (line 23) * linetabs: Tabs and Fields. (line 139) * ll: Line Layout. (line 138) * ls: Manipulating Spacing. (line 57) * lsm: Leading Space Traps. (line 7) * lt: Page Layout. (line 53) * mc: Miscellaneous. (line 110) * mk: Page Motions. (line 10) * mso: I/O. (line 49) * msoquiet: I/O. (line 50) * na: Manipulating Filling and Adjustment. (line 150) * ne: Page Control. (line 31) * nf: Manipulating Filling and Adjustment. (line 74) * nh: Manipulating Hyphenation. (line 228) * nm: Miscellaneous. (line 9) * nn: Miscellaneous. (line 74) * nop: if-then. (line 26) * nr: ms Document Control Settings. (line 11) * nr <1>: Setting Registers. (line 10) * nr <2>: Setting Registers. (line 64) * nr <3>: Auto-increment. (line 14) * nroff: troff and nroff Modes. (line 33) * ns: Manipulating Spacing. (line 116) * nx: I/O. (line 90) * open: I/O. (line 207) * opena: I/O. (line 208) * os: Page Control. (line 66) * output: Diversions. (line 195) * pc: Page Layout. (line 68) * pev: Debugging. (line 78) * pi: I/O. (line 149) * pl: Page Layout. (line 9) * pm: Debugging. (line 82) * pn: Page Layout. (line 23) * pnr: Debugging. (line 86) * po: Line Layout. (line 60) * ps: Changing the Type Size. (line 7) * psbb: Miscellaneous. (line 158) * pso: I/O. (line 38) * ptr: Debugging. (line 90) * pvs: Changing the Vertical Spacing. (line 48) * rchar: Using Symbols. (line 410) * rd: I/O. (line 95) * return: Writing Macros. (line 163) * rfschar: Using Symbols. (line 411) * rj: Manipulating Filling and Adjustment. (line 247) * rm: Strings. (line 193) * rn: Strings. (line 190) * rnn: Setting Registers. (line 105) * rr: Setting Registers. (line 99) * rs: Manipulating Spacing. (line 117) * rt: Page Motions. (line 11) * schar: Using Symbols. (line 354) * shc: Manipulating Hyphenation. (line 97) * shift: Parameters. (line 30) * sizes: Changing the Type Size. (line 71) * so: I/O. (line 9) * soquiet: I/O. (line 10) * sp: Manipulating Spacing. (line 10) * special: Special Fonts. (line 17) * spreadwarn: Debugging. (line 135) * ss: Manipulating Filling and Adjustment. (line 267) * stringdown: Strings. (line 170) * stringup: Strings. (line 171) * sty: Font Families. (line 62) * substring: Strings. (line 153) * sv: Page Control. (line 65) * sy: I/O. (line 171) * ta: Tabs and Fields. (line 13) * tag: Postprocessor Access. (line 58) * taga: Postprocessor Access. (line 59) * tc: Tabs and Fields. (line 127) * ti: Line Layout. (line 110) * tkf: Ligatures and Kerning. (line 60) * tl: Page Layout. (line 39) * tm: Debugging. (line 43) * tm1: Debugging. (line 44) * tmc: Debugging. (line 45) * tr: Character Translations. (line 13) * trf: I/O. (line 57) * trin: Character Translations. (line 14) * trnt: Character Translations. (line 79) * troff: troff and nroff Modes. (line 25) * uf: Artificial Fonts. (line 90) * ul: Artificial Fonts. (line 64) * unformat: Diversions. (line 233) * vpt: Vertical Position Traps. (line 13) * vs: Changing the Vertical Spacing. (line 7) * warn: Debugging. (line 154) * warnscale: Debugging. (line 131) * wh: Page Location Traps. (line 11) * while: while. (line 10) * write: I/O. (line 219) * writec: I/O. (line 220) * writem: I/O. (line 231)