File:, Node: ms Insertions, Next: ms Footnotes, Prev: ms keeps and displays, Up: ms Body Text Tables, figures, equations, and references .................................................. The 'ms' package is often used with the 'tbl', 'pic', 'eqn', and 'refer' preprocessors. Mark text meant for preprocessors by enclosing it in pairs of tokens as follows, with nothing between the dot and the macro name. The preprocessors match these tokens only at the start of an input line. -- Macro: .TS [H] -- Macro: .TE Demarcate a table to be processed by the 'tbl' preprocessor. The optional argument 'H' to 'TS' instructs 'ms' to repeat table rows (often column headings) at the top of each new page the table spans, if applicable; calling the 'TH' macro marks the end of such rows. The GNU 'tbl(1)' man page provides a comprehensive reference to the preprocessor and offers examples of its use. -- Macro: .PS -- Macro: .PE -- Macro: .PF 'PS' begins a picture to be processed by the 'gpic' preprocessor; either of 'PE' or 'PF' ends it, the latter with "flyback" to the vertical position at its top. You can create 'pic' input manually or with a program such as 'xfig'. -- Macro: .EQ [align [label]] -- Macro: .EN Demarcate an equation to be processed by the 'eqn' preprocessor. The equation is centered by default; ALIGN can be 'C', 'L', or 'I' to (explicitly) center, left-align, or indent it by the amount stored in the 'DI' register, respectively. If specified, LABEL is set right-aligned. -- Macro: .[ -- Macro: .] Demarcate a bibliographic citation to be processed by the 'refer' preprocessor. The GNU 'refer(1)' man page provides a comprehensive reference to the preprocessor and the format of its bibliographic database. Type 'man refer' at the command line to view it. When 'refer' emits collected references (as might be done on a "Works Cited" page), it interpolates the 'REFERENCES' string as an unnumbered heading ('SH'). The following is an example of how to set up a table that may print across two or more pages. .TS H allbox; Cb | Cb . Part->Description _ .TH .T& GH-1978->Fribulating gonkulator ...the rest of the table follows... .TE Attempting to place a multi-page table inside a keep can lead to unpleasant results, particularly if the 'tbl' 'allbox' option is used. Mathematics can be typeset using the language of the 'eqn' preprocessor. .EQ C (\*[SN-NO-DOT]a) p ~ = ~ q sqrt { ( 1 + ~ ( x / q sup 2 ) } .EN This input formats a labelled equation. We used the 'SN-NO-DOT' string to base the equation label on the current heading number, giving us more flexibility to reorganize the document. Use 'groff' options to run preprocessors on the input: '-e' for 'geqn', '-p' for 'gpic', '-R' for 'grefer', and '-t' for 'gtbl'.