File:, Node: ms Legacy Features, Next: ms_Naming_Conventions.php">ms Naming Conventions, Prev: ms.php">Differences from AT&T ms, Up: ms 4.6.8 Legacy Features --------------------- 'groff' 'ms' retains some legacy features solely to support formatting of historical documents; contemporary ones should not use them because they can render poorly. See the 'groff_char(7)' man page. AT&T accent mark strings ........................ AT&T 'ms' defined accent mark strings as follows. -- String: \*['] Apply acute accent to subsequent glyph. -- String: \*[`] Apply grave accent to subsequent glyph. -- String: \*[:] Apply dieresis (umlaut) to subsequent glyph. -- String: \*[^] Apply circumflex accent to subsequent glyph. -- String: \*[~] Apply tilde accent to subsequent glyph. -- String: \*[C] Apply caron to subsequent glyph. -- String: \*[,] Apply cedilla to subsequent glyph. Berkeley accent mark and glyph strings ...................................... Berkeley 'ms' offered an 'AM' macro; calling it redefined the AT&T accent mark strings (except for '\*C'), applied them to the _preceding_ glyph, and defined additional strings, some for spacing glyphs. -- Macro: .AM Enable alternative accent mark and glyph-producing strings. -- String: \*['] Apply acute accent to preceding glyph. -- String: \*[`] Apply grave accent to preceding glyph. -- String: \*[:] Apply dieresis (umlaut) to preceding glyph. -- String: \*[^] Apply circumflex accent to preceding glyph. -- String: \*[~] Apply tilde accent to preceding glyph. -- String: \*[,] Apply cedilla to preceding glyph. -- String: \*[/] Apply stroke (slash) to preceding glyph. -- String: \*[v] Apply caron to preceding glyph. -- String: \*[_] Apply macron to preceding glyph. -- String: \*[.] Apply underdot to preceding glyph. -- String: \*[o] Apply ring accent to preceding glyph. -- String: \*[?] Interpolate inverted question mark. -- String: \*[!] Interpolate inverted exclamation mark. -- String: \*[8] Interpolate small letter sharp s. -- String: \*[q] Interpolate small letter o with hook accent (ogonek). -- String: \*[3] Interpolate small letter yogh. -- String: \*[d-] Interpolate small letter eth. -- String: \*[D-] Interpolate capital letter eth. -- String: \*[th] Interpolate small letter thorn. -- String: \*[Th] Interpolate capital letter thorn. -- String: \*[ae] Interpolate small æ ligature. -- String: \*[Ae] Interpolate capital Æ ligature. -- String: \*[oe] Interpolate small oe ligature. -- String: \*[OE] Interpolate capital OE ligature.