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2.6 Reporting Bugs

Any problems with the installation should be reported to

If you find a bug in Guile, please report it to the Guile developers, so they can fix it. They may also be able to suggest workarounds when it is not possible for you to apply the bug-fix or install a new version of Guile yourself.

Before sending in bug reports, please check with the following list that you really have found a bug.

Before reporting the bug, check whether any programs you have loaded into Guile, including your ‘.guile’ file, set any variables that may affect the functioning of Guile. Also, see whether the problem happens in a freshly started Guile without loading your ‘.guile’ file (start Guile with the -q switch to prevent loading the init file). If the problem does not occur then, you must report the precise contents of any programs that you must load into Guile in order to cause the problem to occur.

When you write a bug report, please make sure to include as much of the information described below in the report. If you can’t figure out some of the items, it is not a problem, but the more information we get, the more likely we can diagnose and fix the bug.

If your bug causes Guile to crash, additional information from a low-level debugger such as GDB might be helpful. If you have built Guile yourself, you can run Guile under GDB via the meta/gdb-uninstalled-guile script. Instead of invoking Guile as usual, invoke the wrapper script, type run to start the process, then backtrace when the crash comes. Include that backtrace in your report.

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