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6.7.7 Record Overview

Records, also called structures, are Scheme’s primary mechanism to define new disjoint types. A record type defines a list of fields that instances of the type consist of. This is like C’s struct.

Historically, Guile has offered several different ways to define record types and to create records, offering different features, and making different trade-offs. Over the years, each “standard” has also come with its own new record interface, leading to a maze of record APIs.

At the highest level is SRFI-9, a high-level record interface implemented by most Scheme implementations (see section SRFI-9 Records). It defines a simple and efficient syntactic abstraction of record types and their associated type predicate, fields, and field accessors. SRFI-9 is suitable for most uses, and this is the recommended way to create record types in Guile. Similar high-level record APIs include SRFI-35 (see section SRFI-35 - Conditions) and R6RS records (see section rnrs records syntactic).

Then comes Guile’s historical “records” API (see section Records). Record types defined this way are first-class objects. Introspection facilities are available, allowing users to query the list of fields or the value of a specific field at run-time, without prior knowledge of the type.

Finally, the common denominator of these interfaces is Guile’s structure API (see section Structures). Guile’s structures are the low-level building block for all other record APIs. Application writers will normally not need to use it.

Records created with these APIs may all be pattern-matched using Guile’s standard pattern matcher (see section Pattern Matching).

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