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6.14.4 Closing

Scheme Procedure: close-port port
C Function: scm_close_port (port)

Close the specified port object. Return #t if it successfully closes a port or #f if it was already closed. An exception may be raised if an error occurs, for example when flushing buffered output. See also close, for a procedure which can close file descriptors.

Scheme Procedure: close-input-port port
Scheme Procedure: close-output-port port
C Function: scm_close_input_port (port)
C Function: scm_close_output_port (port)

Close the specified input or output port. An exception may be raised if an error occurs while closing. If port is already closed, nothing is done. The return value is unspecified.

See also close, for a procedure which can close file descriptors.

Scheme Procedure: port-closed? port
C Function: scm_port_closed_p (port)

Return #t if port is closed or #f if it is open.

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