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6.21.4 Mutexes and Condition Variables

A mutex is a thread synchronization object, it can be used by threads to control access to a shared resource. A mutex can be locked to indicate a resource is in use, and other threads can then block on the mutex to wait for the resource (or can just test and do something else if not available). “Mutex” is short for “mutual exclusion”.

There are two types of mutexes in Guile, “standard” and “recursive”. They’re created by make-mutex and make-recursive-mutex respectively, the operation functions are then common to both.

Note that for both types of mutex there’s no protection against a “deadly embrace”. For instance if one thread has locked mutex A and is waiting on mutex B, but another thread owns B and is waiting on A, then an endless wait will occur (in the current implementation). Acquiring requisite mutexes in a fixed order (like always A before B) in all threads is one way to avoid such problems.

Scheme Procedure: make-mutex flag …
C Function: scm_make_mutex ()
C Function: scm_make_mutex_with_flags (SCM flags)

Return a new mutex. It is initially unlocked. If flag … is specified, it must be a list of symbols specifying configuration flags for the newly-created mutex. The supported flags are:


Unless this flag is present, a call to ‘unlock-mutex’ on the returned mutex when it is already unlocked will cause an error to be signalled.


Allow the returned mutex to be unlocked by the calling thread even if it was originally locked by a different thread.


The returned mutex will be recursive.

Scheme Procedure: mutex? obj
C Function: scm_mutex_p (obj)

Return #t if obj is a mutex; otherwise, return #f.

Scheme Procedure: make-recursive-mutex
C Function: scm_make_recursive_mutex ()

Create a new recursive mutex. It is initially unlocked. Calling this function is equivalent to calling ‘make-mutex’ and specifying the recursive flag.

Scheme Procedure: lock-mutex mutex [timeout [owner]]
C Function: scm_lock_mutex (mutex)
C Function: scm_lock_mutex_timed (mutex, timeout, owner)

Lock mutex. If the mutex is already locked, then block and return only when mutex has been acquired.

When timeout is given, it specifies a point in time where the waiting should be aborted. It can be either an integer as returned by current-time or a pair as returned by gettimeofday. When the waiting is aborted, #f is returned.

When owner is given, it specifies an owner for mutex other than the calling thread. owner may also be #f, indicating that the mutex should be locked but left unowned.

For standard mutexes (make-mutex), and error is signalled if the thread has itself already locked mutex.

For a recursive mutex (make-recursive-mutex), if the thread has itself already locked mutex, then a further lock-mutex call increments the lock count. An additional unlock-mutex will be required to finally release.

If mutex was locked by a thread that exited before unlocking it, the next attempt to lock mutex will succeed, but abandoned-mutex-error will be signalled.

When a system async (see section System asyncs) is activated for a thread blocked in lock-mutex, the wait is interrupted and the async is executed. When the async returns, the wait resumes.

C Function: void scm_dynwind_lock_mutex (SCM mutex)

Arrange for mutex to be locked whenever the current dynwind context is entered and to be unlocked when it is exited.

Scheme Procedure: try-mutex mx
C Function: scm_try_mutex (mx)

Try to lock mutex as per lock-mutex. If mutex can be acquired immediately then this is done and the return is #t. If mutex is locked by some other thread then nothing is done and the return is #f.

Scheme Procedure: unlock-mutex mutex [condvar [timeout]]
C Function: scm_unlock_mutex (mutex)
C Function: scm_unlock_mutex_timed (mutex, condvar, timeout)

Unlock mutex. An error is signalled if mutex is not locked and was not created with the unchecked-unlock flag set, or if mutex is locked by a thread other than the calling thread and was not created with the allow-external-unlock flag set.

If condvar is given, it specifies a condition variable upon which the calling thread will wait to be signalled before returning. (This behavior is very similar to that of wait-condition-variable, except that the mutex is left in an unlocked state when the function returns.)

When timeout is also given, it specifies a point in time where the waiting should be aborted. It can be either an integer as returned by current-time or a pair as returned by gettimeofday. When the waiting is aborted, #f is returned. Otherwise the function returns #t.

Scheme Procedure: mutex-owner mutex
C Function: scm_mutex_owner (mutex)

Return the current owner of mutex, in the form of a thread or #f (indicating no owner). Note that a mutex may be unowned but still locked.

Scheme Procedure: mutex-level mutex
C Function: scm_mutex_level (mutex)

Return the current lock level of mutex. If mutex is currently unlocked, this value will be 0; otherwise, it will be the number of times mutex has been recursively locked by its current owner.

Scheme Procedure: mutex-locked? mutex
C Function: scm_mutex_locked_p (mutex)

Return #t if mutex is locked, regardless of ownership; otherwise, return #f.

Scheme Procedure: make-condition-variable
C Function: scm_make_condition_variable ()

Return a new condition variable.

Scheme Procedure: condition-variable? obj
C Function: scm_condition_variable_p (obj)

Return #t if obj is a condition variable; otherwise, return #f.

Scheme Procedure: wait-condition-variable condvar mutex [time]
C Function: scm_wait_condition_variable (condvar, mutex, time)

Wait until condvar has been signalled. While waiting, mutex is atomically unlocked (as with unlock-mutex) and is locked again when this function returns. When time is given, it specifies a point in time where the waiting should be aborted. It can be either a integer as returned by current-time or a pair as returned by gettimeofday. When the waiting is aborted, #f is returned. When the condition variable has in fact been signalled, #t is returned. The mutex is re-locked in any case before wait-condition-variable returns.

When a system async is activated for a thread that is blocked in a call to wait-condition-variable, the waiting is interrupted, the mutex is locked, and the async is executed. When the async returns, the mutex is unlocked again and the waiting is resumed. When the thread block while re-acquiring the mutex, execution of asyncs is blocked.

Scheme Procedure: signal-condition-variable condvar
C Function: scm_signal_condition_variable (condvar)

Wake up one thread that is waiting for condvar.

Scheme Procedure: broadcast-condition-variable condvar
C Function: scm_broadcast_condition_variable (condvar)

Wake up all threads that are waiting for condvar.

The following are higher level operations on mutexes. These are available from

(use-modules (ice-9 threads))
macro: with-mutex mutex body1 body2 …

Lock mutex, evaluate the body body1 body2 …, then unlock mutex. The return value is that returned by the last body form.

The lock, body and unlock form the branches of a dynamic-wind (see section Dynamic Wind), so mutex is automatically unlocked if an error or new continuation exits the body, and is re-locked if the body is re-entered by a captured continuation.

macro: monitor body1 body2 …

Evaluate the body form body1 body2 … with a mutex locked so only one thread can execute that code at any one time. The return value is the return from the last body form.

Each monitor form has its own private mutex and the locking and evaluation is as per with-mutex above. A standard mutex (make-mutex) is used, which means the body must not recursively re-enter the monitor form.

The term “monitor” comes from operating system theory, where it means a particular bit of code managing access to some resource and which only ever executes on behalf of one process at any one time.

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