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A date object represents a date in the Gregorian calendar and a time of day on that date in some timezone.
The fields are year, month, day, hour, minute, second, nanoseconds and timezone. A date object is immutable, its fields can be read but they cannot be modified once the object is created.
- Function: make-date nsecs seconds minutes hours date month year zone-offset
Create a new date object.
- Function: date-second date
Seconds, 0 to 59, or 60 for a leap second. 60 is never seen when working entirely within UTC, it’s only when converting to or from TAI.
- Function: date-year date
Year, eg. 2003. Dates B.C. are negative, eg. -46 is 46 B.C. There is no year 0, year -1 is followed by year 1.
- Function: date-week-number date dstartw
Week of the year, ignoring a first partial week. dstartw is the day of the week which is taken to start a week, 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.
- Function: current-date [tz-offset]
Return a date object representing the current date/time, in UTC offset by tz-offset. tz-offset is seconds east of Greenwich and defaults to the local timezone.
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