libidn2: Converting from libidn
3 Converting from libidn
This library is backwards (API) compatible with the libidn library
Although it is recommended for new software to use the native libidn2
functions (i.e., the ones prefixed with ‘idn2’), old software isn’t
always feasible to modify.
3.1 Converting with minimal modifications
As such, libidn2, provides compatibility macros which switch all libidn
functions, to libidn2 functions in a backwards compatible way. To take
advantage of these compatibility functions, it is sufficient to replace
the ‘idna.h’ header in legacy code, with ‘idn2.h’. That would transform
the software from using libidn, i.e., IDNA2003, to using libidn2 with
IDNA2008 non-transitional encoding.
3.2 Converting to native APIs
However, it is recommended to switch applications to the IDN2 native
APIs. The following table provides a mapping of libidn code snippets to
libidn2, for switching to IDNA2008.
libidn libidn2
rc = idna_to_ascii_8z (buf, &p, 0 /* any flags */);rc = idn2_to_ascii_8z (buf, &p, IDN2_NONTRANSITIONAL);
if (rc != IDNA_SUCCESS) if (rc != IDN2_OK)
rc = idna_to_unicode_8z8z (buf, &p, 0 /* any flags */);rc = idn2_to_unicode_8z8z (buf, &p, 0);
if (rc != IDNA_SUCCESS) if (rc != IDN2_OK)
Note that, although the table only lists the UTF-8 functions, the
mapping is identical for every other one on the family of toUnicode and
toAscii. As the IDNA2003 details differ signicantly to IDNA2008, no
flags used in the libidn functions map to any specific flags; it is safe
to use the suggested libidn2 flags.
3.3 Converting with backwards compatibility
In several cases where IDNA2008 mappings do not exist whereas IDNA2003
mappings do, software like browsers take a backwards compatible
approach. That is convert the domain to IDNA2008 form, and if that
fails try the IDNA2003 conversion. The following example demonstrates
that approach.
rc = idn2_to_ascii_8z (buf, &p, IDN2_NONTRANSITIONAL); /* IDNA2008 */
if (rc == IDN2_DISALLOWED)
rc = idn2_to_ascii_8z (buf, &p, IDN2_TRANSITIONAL); /* IDNA2003 - compatible */
3.4 Using libidn and libidn2 code
In the special case of software that needs to support both libraries
(e.g., both IDNA2003 and IDNA2008), you must define
‘IDN2_SKIP_LIBIDN_COMPAT’ prior to including ‘idn2.h’ in order to be
able to use both libraries’ functions.