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Index of Concepts

* Menu:

* !=:                                    Setting.             (line   6)
* !=, expansion:                         Reading Makefiles.   (line  34)
* # (comments), in makefile:             Makefile Contents.   (line  41)
* # (comments), in recipes:              Recipe Syntax.       (line  29)
* #include:                              Automatic Prerequisites.
                                                              (line  16)
* $, in function call:                   Syntax of Functions. (line   6)
* $, in rules:                           Rule Syntax.         (line  33)
* $, in variable name:                   Computed Names.      (line   6)
* $, in variable reference:              Reference.           (line   6)
* %, in pattern rules:                   Pattern Intro.       (line   9)
* %, quoting in patsubst:                Text Functions.      (line  27)
* %, quoting in static pattern:          Static Usage.        (line  37)
* %, quoting in vpath:                   Selective Search.    (line  39)
* %, quoting with \ (backslash):         Selective Search.    (line  39)
* %, quoting with \ (backslash) <1>:     Static Usage.        (line  37)
* %, quoting with \ (backslash) <2>:     Text Functions.      (line  27)
* * (wildcard character):                Wildcards.           (line   6)
* +, and define:                         Canned Recipes.      (line  49)
* +, and recipe execution:               Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line  67)
* +, and recipes:                        MAKE Variable.       (line  18)
* +=:                                    Appending.           (line   6)
* +=, expansion:                         Reading Makefiles.   (line  34)
* +=, expansion <1>:                     Reading Makefiles.   (line  34)
* ,v (RCS file extension):               Catalogue of Rules.  (line 162)
* - (in recipes):                        Errors.              (line  19)
* -, and define:                         Canned Recipes.      (line  49)
* --always-make:                         Options Summary.     (line  15)
* --assume-new:                          Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line  41)
* --assume-new <1>:                      Options Summary.     (line 344)
* --assume-new, and recursion:           Options/Recursion.   (line  31)
* --assume-old:                          Avoiding Compilation.
                                                              (line   6)
* --assume-old <1>:                      Options Summary.     (line 186)
* --assume-old, and recursion:           Options/Recursion.   (line  31)
* --check-symlink-times:                 Options Summary.     (line 167)
* --debug:                               Options Summary.     (line  43)
* --directory:                           Recursion.           (line  20)
* --directory <1>:                       Options Summary.     (line  26)
* --directory, and --print-directory:    -w Option.           (line  20)
* --directory, and recursion:            Options/Recursion.   (line  31)
* --dry-run:                             Echoing.             (line  18)
* --dry-run <1>:                         Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line  14)
* --dry-run <2>:                         Options Summary.     (line 177)
* --environment-overrides:               Options Summary.     (line  94)
* --eval:                                Options Summary.     (line  99)
* --file:                                Makefile Names.      (line  23)
* --file <1>:                            Makefile Arguments.  (line   6)
* --file <2>:                            Options Summary.     (line 107)
* --file, and recursion:                 Options/Recursion.   (line  31)
* --help:                                Options Summary.     (line 113)
* --ignore-errors:                       Errors.              (line  30)
* --ignore-errors <1>:                   Options Summary.     (line 118)
* --include-dir:                         Include.             (line  53)
* --include-dir <1>:                     Options Summary.     (line 123)
* --jobs:                                Parallel.            (line   6)
* --jobs <1>:                            Options Summary.     (line 134)
* --jobs, and recursion:                 Options/Recursion.   (line  34)
* --jobserver-auth:                      Job Slots.           (line  21)
* --jobserver-style:                     Options Summary.     (line 142)
* --jobserver-style <1>:                 POSIX Jobserver.     (line  13)
* --jobserver-style for Windows:         Windows Jobserver.   (line  16)
* --just-print:                          Echoing.             (line  18)
* --just-print <1>:                      Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line  14)
* --just-print <2>:                      Options Summary.     (line 176)
* --keep-going:                          Errors.              (line  46)
* --keep-going <1>:                      Testing.             (line  16)
* --keep-going <2>:                      Options Summary.     (line 152)
* --load-average:                        Parallel.            (line  35)
* --load-average <1>:                    Options Summary.     (line 159)
* --makefile:                            Makefile Names.      (line  23)
* --makefile <1>:                        Makefile Arguments.  (line   6)
* --makefile <2>:                        Options Summary.     (line 108)
* --max-load:                            Parallel.            (line  35)
* --max-load <1>:                        Options Summary.     (line 160)
* --new-file:                            Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line  41)
* --new-file <1>:                        Options Summary.     (line 343)
* --new-file, and recursion:             Options/Recursion.   (line  31)
* --no-builtin-rules:                    Options Summary.     (line 230)
* --no-builtin-variables:                Options Summary.     (line 243)
* --no-keep-going:                       Options Summary.     (line 259)
* --no-print-directory:                  -w Option.           (line  20)
* --no-print-directory <1>:              Options Summary.     (line 335)
* --old-file:                            Avoiding Compilation.
                                                              (line   6)
* --old-file <1>:                        Options Summary.     (line 185)
* --old-file, and recursion:             Options/Recursion.   (line  31)
* --output-sync:                         Parallel Output.     (line  11)
* --output-sync <1>:                     Options Summary.     (line 194)
* --print-data-base:                     Options Summary.     (line 210)
* --print-directory:                     Options Summary.     (line 327)
* --print-directory, and --directory:    -w Option.           (line  20)
* --print-directory, and recursion:      -w Option.           (line  20)
* --print-directory, disabling:          -w Option.           (line  20)
* --question:                            Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line  32)
* --question <1>:                        Options Summary.     (line 222)
* --quiet:                               Echoing.             (line  24)
* --quiet <1>:                           Options Summary.     (line 253)
* --recon:                               Echoing.             (line  18)
* --recon <1>:                           Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line  14)
* --recon <2>:                           Options Summary.     (line 178)
* --shuffle:                             Options Summary.     (line 267)
* --silent:                              Echoing.             (line  24)
* --silent <1>:                          Options Summary.     (line 252)
* --stop:                                Options Summary.     (line 260)
* --touch:                               Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line  24)
* --touch <1>:                           Options Summary.     (line 310)
* --touch, and recursion:                MAKE Variable.       (line  34)
* --trace:                               Options Summary.     (line 317)
* --version:                             Options Summary.     (line 322)
* --warn-undefined-variables:            Options Summary.     (line 352)
* --what-if:                             Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line  41)
* --what-if <1>:                         Options Summary.     (line 342)
* -b:                                    Options Summary.     (line   9)
* -B:                                    Options Summary.     (line  14)
* -C:                                    Recursion.           (line  20)
* -C <1>:                                Options Summary.     (line  25)
* -C, and -w:                            -w Option.           (line  20)
* -C, and recursion:                     Options/Recursion.   (line  31)
* -d:                                    Options Summary.     (line  33)
* -e:                                    Options Summary.     (line  93)
* -E:                                    Options Summary.     (line  98)
* -e (shell flag):                       Automatic Prerequisites.
                                                              (line  65)
* -f:                                    Makefile Names.      (line  23)
* -f <1>:                                Makefile Arguments.  (line   6)
* -f <2>:                                Options Summary.     (line 106)
* -f, and recursion:                     Options/Recursion.   (line  31)
* -h:                                    Options Summary.     (line 112)
* -I:                                    Include.             (line  53)
* -i:                                    Errors.              (line  30)
* -i <1>:                                Options Summary.     (line 117)
* -I <1>:                                Options Summary.     (line 122)
* -j:                                    Parallel.            (line   6)
* -j <1>:                                Options Summary.     (line 133)
* -j, and archive update:                Archive Pitfalls.    (line   6)
* -j, and recursion:                     Options/Recursion.   (line  34)
* -k:                                    Errors.              (line  46)
* -k <1>:                                Testing.             (line  16)
* -k <2>:                                Options Summary.     (line 151)
* -l:                                    Options Summary.     (line 158)
* -L:                                    Options Summary.     (line 166)
* -l (library search):                   Libraries/Search.    (line   6)
* -l (load average):                     Parallel.            (line  35)
* -m:                                    Options Summary.     (line  10)
* -M (to compiler):                      Automatic Prerequisites.
                                                              (line  18)
* -MM (to GNU compiler):                 Automatic Prerequisites.
                                                              (line  67)
* -n:                                    Echoing.             (line  18)
* -n <1>:                                Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line  14)
* -n <2>:                                Options Summary.     (line 175)
* -O:                                    Parallel Output.     (line  11)
* -o:                                    Avoiding Compilation.
                                                              (line   6)
* -o <1>:                                Options Summary.     (line 184)
* -O <1>:                                Options Summary.     (line 193)
* -o, and recursion:                     Options/Recursion.   (line  31)
* -p:                                    Options Summary.     (line 209)
* -q:                                    Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line  32)
* -q <1>:                                Options Summary.     (line 221)
* -r:                                    Options Summary.     (line 229)
* -R:                                    Options Summary.     (line 242)
* -s:                                    Echoing.             (line  24)
* -s <1>:                                Options Summary.     (line 251)
* -S:                                    Options Summary.     (line 258)
* -t:                                    Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line  24)
* -t <1>:                                Options Summary.     (line 309)
* -t, and recursion:                     MAKE Variable.       (line  34)
* -v:                                    Options Summary.     (line 321)
* -W:                                    Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line  41)
* -w:                                    Options Summary.     (line 326)
* -W <1>:                                Options Summary.     (line 341)
* -w, and -C:                            -w Option.           (line  20)
* -W, and recursion:                     Options/Recursion.   (line  31)
* -w, and recursion:                     -w Option.           (line  20)
* -w, disabling:                         -w Option.           (line  20)
* .a (archives):                         Archive Suffix Rules.
                                                              (line   6)
* .c:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line  35)
* .C:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line  39)
* .cc:                                   Catalogue of Rules.  (line  39)
* .ch:                                   Catalogue of Rules.  (line 149)
* .cpp:                                  Catalogue of Rules.  (line  39)
* .d:                                    Automatic Prerequisites.
                                                              (line  80)
* .def:                                  Catalogue of Rules.  (line  72)
* .dvi:                                  Catalogue of Rules.  (line 149)
* .f:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line  50)
* .F:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line  50)
* .info:                                 Catalogue of Rules.  (line 156)
* .l:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line 122)
* .LIBPATTERNS, and link libraries:      Libraries/Search.    (line   6)
* .ln:                                   Catalogue of Rules.  (line 144)
* .mod:                                  Catalogue of Rules.  (line  72)
* .NOTPARALLEL special target:           Parallel Disable.    (line  16)
* .o:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line  35)
* .o <1>:                                Catalogue of Rules.  (line  84)
* .ONESHELL, use of:                     One Shell.           (line   6)
* .p:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line  46)
* .r:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line  50)
* .s:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line  77)
* .S:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line  80)
* .sh:                                   Catalogue of Rules.  (line 177)
* .SHELLFLAGS, value of:                 Choosing the Shell.  (line   6)
* .sym:                                  Catalogue of Rules.  (line  72)
* .tex:                                  Catalogue of Rules.  (line 149)
* .texi:                                 Catalogue of Rules.  (line 156)
* .texinfo:                              Catalogue of Rules.  (line 156)
* .txinfo:                               Catalogue of Rules.  (line 156)
* .w:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line 149)
* .WAIT special target:                  Parallel Disable.    (line  51)
* .web:                                  Catalogue of Rules.  (line 149)
* .y:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line 118)
* :: rules (double-colon):               Double-Colon.        (line   6)
* :::=:                                  Immediate Assignment.
                                                              (line   6)
* :::= <1>:                              Setting.             (line   6)
* ::=:                                   Simple Assignment.   (line   9)
* ::= <1>:                               Setting.             (line   6)
* :=:                                    Simple Assignment.   (line   9)
* := <1>:                                Setting.             (line   6)
* =:                                     Recursive Assignment.
                                                              (line   6)
* = <1>:                                 Setting.             (line   6)
* =, expansion:                          Reading Makefiles.   (line  34)
* ? (wildcard character):                Wildcards.           (line   6)
* ?=:                                    Conditional Assignment.
                                                              (line   6)
* ?= <1>:                                Setting.             (line   6)
* ?=, expansion:                         Reading Makefiles.   (line  34)
* @ (in recipes):                        Echoing.             (line   6)
* @, and define:                         Canned Recipes.      (line  49)
* [...] (wildcard characters):           Wildcards.           (line   6)
* \ (backslash), for continuation lines: Simple Makefile.     (line  41)
* \ (backslash), in recipes:             Splitting Recipe Lines.
                                                              (line   6)
* \ (backslash), to quote %:             Selective Search.    (line  39)
* \ (backslash), to quote % <1>:         Static Usage.        (line  37)
* \ (backslash), to quote % <2>:         Text Functions.      (line  27)
* __.SYMDEF:                             Archive Symbols.     (line   6)
* ~ (tilde):                             Wildcards.           (line  16)
* abspath:                               File Name Functions. (line 120)
* algorithm for directory search:        Search Algorithm.    (line   6)
* all (standard target):                 Goals.               (line  72)
* appending to variables:                Appending.           (line   6)
* ar:                                    Implicit Variables.  (line  40)
* archive:                               Archives.            (line   6)
* archive member targets:                Archive Members.     (line   6)
* archive symbol directory updating:     Archive Symbols.     (line   6)
* archive, and -j:                       Archive Pitfalls.    (line   6)
* archive, and parallel execution:       Archive Pitfalls.    (line   6)
* archive, suffix rule for:              Archive Suffix Rules.
                                                              (line   6)
* Arg list too long:                     Options/Recursion.   (line  66)
* arguments of functions:                Syntax of Functions. (line   6)
* as:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line  77)
* as <1>:                                Implicit Variables.  (line  43)
* assembly, rule to compile:             Catalogue of Rules.  (line  77)
* automatic generation of prerequisites: Include.             (line  51)
* automatic generation of prerequisites <1>: Automatic Prerequisites.
                                                              (line   6)
* automatic variables:                   Automatic Variables. (line   6)
* automatic variables in prerequisites:  Automatic Variables. (line  17)
* backquotes:                            Shell Function.      (line   6)
* backslash (\), for continuation lines: Simple Makefile.     (line  41)
* backslash (\), in recipes:             Splitting Recipe Lines.
                                                              (line   6)
* backslash (\), to quote %:             Selective Search.    (line  39)
* backslash (\), to quote % <1>:         Static Usage.        (line  37)
* backslash (\), to quote % <2>:         Text Functions.      (line  27)
* backslash (\), to quote newlines:      Splitting Lines.     (line   6)
* backslashes in pathnames and wildcard expansion: Wildcard Pitfall.
                                                              (line  31)
* basename:                              File Name Functions. (line  56)
* binary packages:                       Install Command Categories.
                                                              (line  80)
* broken pipe:                           Parallel Input.      (line  11)
* bugs, reporting:                       Bugs.                (line   6)
* built-in special targets:              Special Targets.     (line   6)
* C++, rule to compile:                  Catalogue of Rules.  (line  39)
* C, rule to compile:                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line  35)
* canned recipes:                        Canned Recipes.      (line   6)
* cc:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line  35)
* cc <1>:                                Implicit Variables.  (line  46)
* cd (shell command):                    Execution.           (line  12)
* cd (shell command) <1>:                MAKE Variable.       (line  16)
* chains of rules:                       Chained Rules.       (line   6)
* check (standard target):               Goals.               (line 114)
* clean (standard target):               Goals.               (line  75)
* clean target:                          Simple Makefile.     (line  85)
* clean target <1>:                      Cleanup.             (line  11)
* cleaning up:                           Cleanup.             (line   6)
* clobber (standard target):             Goals.               (line  86)
* co:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line 162)
* co <1>:                                Implicit Variables.  (line  66)
* combining rules by prerequisite:       Combine By Prerequisite.
                                                              (line   6)
* command expansion:                     Shell Function.      (line   6)
* command line variable definitions, and recursion: Options/Recursion.
                                                              (line  26)
* command line variables:                Overriding.          (line   6)
* commands, sequences of:                Canned Recipes.      (line   6)
* comments, in makefile:                 Makefile Contents.   (line  41)
* comments, in recipes:                  Recipe Syntax.       (line  29)
* compatibility:                         Features.            (line   6)
* compatibility in exporting:            Variables/Recursion. (line  94)
* compilation, testing:                  Testing.             (line   6)
* computed variable name:                Computed Names.      (line   6)
* conditional expansion:                 Conditional Functions.
                                                              (line   6)
* conditional variable assignment:       Conditional Assignment.
                                                              (line   6)
* conditionals:                          Conditionals.        (line   6)
* continuation lines:                    Simple Makefile.     (line  41)
* controlling make:                      Make Control Functions.
                                                              (line   6)
* conventions for makefiles:             Makefile Conventions.
                                                              (line   6)
* convert guile types:                   Guile Types.         (line   6)
* ctangle:                               Catalogue of Rules.  (line 149)
* ctangle <1>:                           Implicit Variables.  (line 103)
* cweave:                                Catalogue of Rules.  (line 149)
* cweave <1>:                            Implicit Variables.  (line  97)
* data base of make rules:               Options Summary.     (line 210)
* deducing recipes (implicit rules):     make Deduces.        (line   6)
* default directories for included makefiles: Include.        (line  53)
* default goal:                          How Make Works.      (line  12)
* default goal <1>:                      Rules.               (line  11)
* default makefile name:                 Makefile Names.      (line   6)
* default rules, last-resort:            Last Resort.         (line   6)
* define, expansion:                     Reading Makefiles.   (line  34)
* defining variables verbatim:           Multi-Line.          (line   6)
* deletion of target files:              Errors.              (line  63)
* deletion of target files <1>:          Interrupts.          (line   6)
* directive:                             Makefile Contents.   (line  28)
* directories, creating installation:    Directory Variables. (line  20)
* directories, printing them:            -w Option.           (line   6)
* directories, updating archive symbol:  Archive Symbols.     (line   6)
* directory part:                        File Name Functions. (line  16)
* directory search (VPATH):              Directory Search.    (line   6)
* directory search (VPATH), and implicit rules: Implicit/Search.
                                                              (line   6)
* directory search (VPATH), and link libraries: Libraries/Search.
                                                              (line   6)
* directory search (VPATH), and recipes: Recipes/Search.      (line   6)
* directory search algorithm:            Search Algorithm.    (line   6)
* directory search, traditional (GPATH): Search Algorithm.    (line  42)
* disabling parallel execution:          Parallel Disable.    (line   6)
* dist (standard target):                Goals.               (line 106)
* distclean (standard target):           Goals.               (line  84)
* dollar sign ($), in function call:     Syntax of Functions. (line   6)
* dollar sign ($), in rules:             Rule Syntax.         (line  33)
* dollar sign ($), in variable name:     Computed Names.      (line   6)
* dollar sign ($), in variable reference: Reference.          (line   6)
* DOS, choosing a shell in:              Choosing the Shell.  (line  38)
* double-colon rules:                    Double-Colon.        (line   6)
* duplicate words, removing:             Text Functions.      (line 155)
* E2BIG:                                 Options/Recursion.   (line  66)
* echoing of recipes:                    Echoing.             (line   6)
* editor:                                Introduction.        (line  22)
* Emacs (M-x compile):                   Errors.              (line  61)
* empty recipes:                         Empty Recipes.       (line   6)
* empty targets:                         Empty Targets.       (line   6)
* environment:                           Environment.         (line   6)
* environment, and recursion:            Variables/Recursion. (line   6)
* environment, SHELL in:                 Choosing the Shell.  (line  12)
* error, stopping on:                    Make Control Functions.
                                                              (line  11)
* errors (in recipes):                   Errors.              (line   6)
* errors with wildcards:                 Wildcard Pitfall.    (line   6)
* evaluating makefile syntax:            Eval Function.       (line   6)
* example of loaded objects:             Loaded Object Example.
                                                              (line   6)
* example using Guile:                   Guile Example.       (line   6)
* execution, in parallel:                Parallel.            (line   6)
* execution, instead of:                 Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line   6)
* execution, of recipes:                 Execution.           (line   6)
* exit status (errors):                  Errors.              (line   6)
* exit status of make:                   Running.             (line  18)
* expansion, secondary:                  Secondary Expansion. (line   6)
* explicit rule, definition of:          Makefile Contents.   (line  10)
* explicit rule, expansion:              Reading Makefiles.   (line 103)
* explicit rules, secondary expansion of: Secondary Expansion.
                                                              (line 103)
* exporting variables:                   Variables/Recursion. (line   6)
* extensions, Guile:                     Guile Integration.   (line   6)
* extensions, load directive:            load Directive.      (line   6)
* extensions, loading:                   Loading Objects.     (line   6)
* f77:                                   Catalogue of Rules.  (line  50)
* f77 <1>:                               Implicit Variables.  (line  57)
* FDL, GNU Free Documentation License:   GNU Free Documentation License.
                                                              (line   6)
* features of GNU make:                  Features.            (line   6)
* features, missing:                     Missing.             (line   6)
* file name functions:                   File Name Functions. (line   6)
* file name of makefile:                 Makefile Names.      (line   6)
* file name of makefile, how to specify: Makefile Names.      (line  30)
* file name prefix, adding:              File Name Functions. (line  78)
* file name suffix:                      File Name Functions. (line  42)
* file name suffix, adding:              File Name Functions. (line  67)
* file name with wildcards:              Wildcards.           (line   6)
* file name, abspath of:                 File Name Functions. (line 120)
* file name, basename of:                File Name Functions. (line  56)
* file name, directory part:             File Name Functions. (line  16)
* file name, nondirectory part:          File Name Functions. (line  26)
* file name, realpath of:                File Name Functions. (line 113)
* file, reading from:                    File Function.       (line   6)
* file, writing to:                      File Function.       (line   6)
* files, assuming new:                   Instead of Execution.
                                                              (line  41)
* files, assuming old:                   Avoiding Compilation.
                                                              (line   6)
* files, avoiding recompilation of:      Avoiding Compilation.
                                                              (line   6)
* files, intermediate:                   Chained Rules.       (line  16)
* filtering out words:                   Text Functions.      (line 133)
* filtering words:                       Text Functions.      (line 115)
* finding strings:                       Text Functions.      (line 104)
* flags:                                 Options Summary.     (line   6)
* flags for compilers:                   Implicit Variables.  (line   6)
* flavor of variable:                    Flavor Function.     (line   6)
* flavors of variables:                  Flavors.             (line   6)
* FORCE:                                 Force Targets.       (line   6)
* force targets:                         Force Targets.       (line   6)
* Fortran, rule to compile:              Catalogue of Rules.  (line  50)
* function arguments, special characters in: Syntax of Functions.
                                                              (line  40)
* functions:                             Functions.           (line   6)
* functions, for controlling make:       Make Control Functions.
                                                              (line   6)
* functions, for file names:             File Name Functions. (line   6)
* functions, for text:                   Text Functions.      (line   6)
* functions, syntax of:                  Syntax of Functions. (line   6)
* functions, user defined:               Call Function.       (line   6)
* g++:                                   Catalogue of Rules.  (line  39)
* g++ <1>:                               Implicit Variables.  (line  49)
* gcc:                                   Catalogue of Rules.  (line  35)
* generating prerequisites automatically: Include.            (line  51)
* generating prerequisites automatically <1>: Automatic Prerequisites.
                                                              (line   6)
* get:                                   Catalogue of Rules.  (line 171)
* get <1>:                               Implicit Variables.  (line  69)
* globbing (wildcards):                  Wildcards.           (line   6)
* goal:                                  How Make Works.      (line  12)
* goal, default:                         How Make Works.      (line  12)
* goal, default <1>:                     Rules.               (line  11)
* goal, how to specify:                  Goals.               (line   6)
* grouped targets:                       Multiple Targets.    (line  61)
* Guile:                                 Guile Function.      (line   6)
* Guile <1>:                             Guile Integration.   (line   6)
* Guile example:                         Guile Example.       (line   6)
* guile, conversion of types:            Guile Types.         (line   6)
* home directory:                        Wildcards.           (line  16)
* IEEE Standard 1003.2:                  Overview.            (line  13)
* ifdef, expansion:                      Reading Makefiles.   (line  93)
* ifeq, expansion:                       Reading Makefiles.   (line  93)
* ifndef, expansion:                     Reading Makefiles.   (line  93)
* ifneq, expansion:                      Reading Makefiles.   (line  93)
* immediate variable assignment:         Immediate Assignment.
                                                              (line   6)
* implicit rule:                         Implicit Rules.      (line   6)
* implicit rule, and directory search:   Implicit/Search.     (line   6)
* implicit rule, and VPATH:              Implicit/Search.     (line   6)
* implicit rule, definition of:          Makefile Contents.   (line  16)
* implicit rule, expansion:              Reading Makefiles.   (line 103)
* implicit rule, how to use:             Using Implicit.      (line   6)
* implicit rule, introduction to:        make Deduces.        (line   6)
* implicit rule, predefined:             Catalogue of Rules.  (line   6)
* implicit rule, search algorithm:       Implicit Rule Search.
                                                              (line   6)
* implicit rules, secondary expansion of: Secondary Expansion.
                                                              (line 143)
* included makefiles, default directories: Include.           (line  53)
* including (MAKEFILES variable):        MAKEFILES Variable.  (line   6)
* including (MAKEFILE_LIST variable):    Special Variables.   (line   8)
* including other makefiles:             Include.             (line   6)
* incompatibilities:                     Missing.             (line   6)
* independent targets:                   Multiple Targets.    (line  14)
* Info, rule to format:                  Catalogue of Rules.  (line 156)
* inheritance, suppressing:              Suppressing Inheritance.
                                                              (line   6)
* input during parallel execution:       Parallel Input.      (line   6)
* install (standard target):             Goals.               (line  92)
* installation directories, creating:    Directory Variables. (line  20)
* installations, staged:                 DESTDIR.             (line   6)
* interface for loaded objects:          Loaded Object API.   (line   6)
* intermediate files:                    Chained Rules.       (line  16)
* intermediate files, preserving:        Chained Rules.       (line  63)
* intermediate targets, explicit:        Special Targets.     (line  48)
* interrupt:                             Interrupts.          (line   6)
* job slots:                             Parallel.            (line   6)
* job slots, and recursion:              Options/Recursion.   (line  34)
* job slots, sharing:                    Job Slots.           (line   6)
* jobs, limiting based on load:          Parallel.            (line  35)
* jobserver:                             Job Slots.           (line  16)
* jobserver on POSIX:                    POSIX Jobserver.     (line   6)
* jobserver on Windows:                  Windows Jobserver.   (line   6)
* joining lists of words:                File Name Functions. (line  89)
* killing (interruption):                Interrupts.          (line   6)
* last-resort default rules:             Last Resort.         (line   6)
* ld:                                    Catalogue of Rules.  (line  84)
* lex:                                   Catalogue of Rules.  (line 122)
* lex <1>:                               Implicit Variables.  (line  73)
* Lex, rule to run:                      Catalogue of Rules.  (line 122)
* libraries for linking, directory search: Libraries/Search.  (line   6)
* library archive, suffix rule for:      Archive Suffix Rules.
                                                              (line   6)
* limiting jobs based on load:           Parallel.            (line  35)
* link libraries, and directory search:  Libraries/Search.    (line   6)
* link libraries, patterns matching:     Libraries/Search.    (line   6)
* linking, predefined rule for:          Catalogue of Rules.  (line  84)
* lint:                                  Catalogue of Rules.  (line 144)
* lint <1>:                              Implicit Variables.  (line  80)
* lint, rule to run:                     Catalogue of Rules.  (line 144)
* list of all prerequisites:             Automatic Variables. (line  71)
* list of changed prerequisites:         Automatic Variables. (line  62)
* load average:                          Parallel.            (line  35)
* load directive:                        load Directive.      (line   6)
* loaded object API:                     Loaded Object API.   (line   6)
* loaded object example:                 Loaded Object Example.
                                                              (line   6)
* loaded object licensing:               Loaded Object API.   (line  31)
* loaded objects:                        Loading Objects.     (line   6)
* loaded objects, remaking of:           Remaking Loaded Objects.
                                                              (line   6)
* long lines, splitting:                 Splitting Lines.     (line   6)
* loops in variable expansion:           Recursive Assignment.
                                                              (line  40)
* lpr (shell command):                   Wildcard Examples.   (line  21)
* lpr (shell command) <1>:               Empty Targets.       (line  25)
* m2c:                                   Catalogue of Rules.  (line  72)
* m2c <1>:                               Implicit Variables.  (line  60)
* macro:                                 Using Variables.     (line  10)
* make depend:                           Automatic Prerequisites.
                                                              (line  37)
* make extensions:                       Extending make.      (line   6)
* make integration:                      Integrating make.    (line   6)
* make interface to guile:               Guile Interface.     (line   6)
* make procedures in guile:              Guile Interface.     (line   6)
* makefile:                              Introduction.        (line   7)
* makefile name:                         Makefile Names.      (line   6)
* makefile name, how to specify:         Makefile Names.      (line  30)
* makefile rule parts:                   Rule Introduction.   (line   6)
* makefile syntax, evaluating:           Eval Function.       (line   6)
* makefile, and MAKEFILES variable:      MAKEFILES Variable.  (line   6)
* makefile, conventions for:             Makefile Conventions.
                                                              (line   6)
* makefile, how make processes:          How Make Works.      (line   6)
* makefile, how to write:                Makefiles.           (line   6)
* makefile, including:                   Include.             (line   6)
* makefile, overriding:                  Overriding Makefiles.
                                                              (line   6)
* makefile, reading:                     Reading Makefiles.   (line   6)
* makefile, remaking of:                 Remaking Makefiles.  (line   6)
* makefile, simple:                      Simple Makefile.     (line   6)
* makefiles, and MAKEFILE_LIST variable: Special Variables.   (line   8)
* makefiles, and special variables:      Special Variables.   (line   6)
* makefiles, parsing:                    Parsing Makefiles.   (line   6)
* makeinfo:                              Catalogue of Rules.  (line 156)
* makeinfo <1>:                          Implicit Variables.  (line  84)
* MAKE_TMPDIR:                           Temporary Files.     (line  10)
* match-anything rule:                   Match-Anything Rules.
                                                              (line   6)
* match-anything rule, used to override: Overriding Makefiles.
                                                              (line  12)
* missing features:                      Missing.             (line   6)
* mistakes with wildcards:               Wildcard Pitfall.    (line   6)
* modified variable reference:           Substitution Refs.   (line   6)
* Modula-2, rule to compile:             Catalogue of Rules.  (line  72)
* mostlyclean (standard target):         Goals.               (line  78)
* multi-line variable definition:        Multi-Line.          (line   6)
* multiple rules for one target:         Multiple Rules.      (line   6)
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