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3.3 Line styles

The line style is defined by the string which may contain specifications for color (‘wkrgbcymhRGBCYMHWlenupqLENUPQ’), dashing style (‘-|;:ji=’ or space), width (‘123456789’) and marks (‘*o+xsd.^v<>’ and ‘#’ modifier). If one of the type of information is omitted then default values used with next color from palette (see Palette and colors). Note, that internal color counter will be nullified by any change of palette. This includes even hidden change (for example, by Box() or Axis() functions). By default palette contain following colors: dark grayH’, blueb’, greeng’, redr’, cyanc’, magentam’, yellowy’, grayh’, green-bluel’, sky-bluen’, orangeq’, green-yellowe’, blue-violetu’, purplep’.

Dashing style has the following meaning: space – no line (usable for plotting only marks), ‘-’ – solid line (■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■), ‘|’ – long dashed line (■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□), ‘;’ – dashed line (■■■■□□□□■■■■□□□□), ‘=’ – small dashed line (■■□□■■□□■■□□■■□□), ‘:’ – dotted line (■□□□■□□□■□□□■□□□), ‘j’ – dash-dotted line (■■■■■■■□□□□■□□□□), ‘i’ – small dash-dotted line (■■■□□■□□■■■□□■□□).

Marker types are: ‘o’ – circle, ‘+’ – cross, ‘x’ – skew cross, ‘s’ - square, ‘d’ - rhomb (or diamond), ‘.’ – dot (point), ‘^’ – triangle up, ‘v’ – triangle down, ‘<’ – triangle left, ‘>’ – triangle right, ‘#*’ – Y sign, ‘#+’ – squared cross, ‘#x’ – squared skew cross, ‘#.’ – circled dot. If string contain symbol ‘#’ then the solid versions of markers are used.

One may specify to draw a special symbol (an arrow) at the beginning and at the end of line. This is done if the specification string contains one of the following symbols: ‘A’ – outer arrow, ‘V’ – inner arrow, ‘I’ – transverse hatches, ‘K’ – arrow with hatches, ‘T’ – triangle, ‘S’ – square, ‘D’ – rhombus, ‘O’ – circle, ‘_’ – nothing (the default). The following rule applies: the first symbol specifies the arrow at the end of line, the second specifies the arrow at the beginning of the line. For example, ‘r-A’ defines a red solid line with usual arrow at the end, ‘b|AI’ defines a blue dash line with an arrow at the end and with hatches at the beginning, ‘_O’ defines a line with the current style and with a circle at the beginning. These styles are applicable during the graphics plotting as well (for example, 1D plotting).

Color and line styles.
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