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4.2.8 Masks

MGL command: mask 'id' 'hex'
Method on mglGraph: void SetMask (char id, const char *hex)
Method on mglGraph: void SetMask (char id, uint64_t hex)
C function: void mgl_set_mask (HMGL gr, const char *hex)
C function: void mgl_set_mask_val (HMGL gr, uint64_t hex)

Sets new bit matrix hex of size 8*8 for mask with given id. This is global setting which influence on any later usage of symbol id. The predefined masks are (see Color scheme): ‘-’ is 000000FF00000000, ‘+’ is 080808FF08080808, ‘=’ is 0000FF00FF000000, ‘;’ is 0000007700000000, ‘o’ is 0000182424180000, ‘O’ is 0000183C3C180000, ‘s’ is 00003C24243C0000, ‘S’ is 00003C3C3C3C0000, ‘~’ is 0000060990600000, ‘<’ is 0060584658600000, ‘>’ is 00061A621A060000, ‘j’ is 0000005F00000000, ‘d’ is 0008142214080000, ‘D’ is 00081C3E1C080000, ‘*’ is 8142241818244281, ‘^’ is 0000001824420000.

MGL command: mask angle
Method on mglGraph: void SetMaskAngle (int angle)
C function: void mgl_set_mask_angle (HMGL gr, int angle)

Sets the default rotation angle (in degrees) for masks. Note, you can use symbols ‘\’, ‘/’, ‘I’ in color scheme for setting rotation angles as 45, -45 and 90 degrees correspondingly.

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