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4.3.3 Ticks

MGL command: adjust ['dir'='xyzc']
Method on mglGraph: void Adjust (const char *dir="xyzc")
C function: void mgl_adjust_ticks (HMGL gr, const char *dir)

Set the ticks step, number of sub-ticks and initial ticks position to be the most human readable for the axis along direction(s) dir. Also set SetTuneTicks(true). Usually you don’t need to call this function except the case of returning to default settings.

MGL command: xtick val [sub=0 org=nan]
MGL command: ytick val [sub=0 org=nan]
MGL command: ztick val [sub=0 org=nan]
MGL command: ctick val [sub=0 org=nan]
Method on mglGraph: void SetTicks (char dir, mreal d=0, int ns=0, mreal org=NAN)
C function: void mgl_set_ticks (HMGL gr, char dir, mreal d, int ns, mreal org)

Set the ticks step d, number of sub-ticks ns (used for positive d) and initial ticks position org for the axis along direction dir (use ’c’ for colorbar ticks). Variable d set step for axis ticks (if positive) or it’s number on the axis range (if negative). Zero value set automatic ticks. If org value is NAN then axis origin is used.

MGL command: xtick val1 'lbl1' [val2 'lbl2' ...]
MGL command: ytick val1 'lbl1' [val2 'lbl2' ...]
MGL command: ztick val1 'lbl1' [val2 'lbl2' ...]
Method on mglGraph: void SetTicksVal (char dir, const char *lbl, bool add=false)
Method on mglGraph: void SetTicksVal (char dir, const wchar_t *lbl, bool add=false)
Method on mglGraph: void SetTicksVal (char dir, const mglDataA &val, const char *lbl, bool add=false)
Method on mglGraph: void SetTicksVal (char dir, const mglDataA &val, const wchar_t *lbl, bool add=false)
C function: void mgl_set_ticks_str (HMGL gr, char dir, const char *lbl, bool add)
C function: void mgl_set_ticks_wcs (HMGL gr, char dir, const wchar_t *lbl, bool add)
C function: void mgl_set_ticks_val (HMGL gr, char dir, HCDT val, const char *lbl, bool add)
C function: void mgl_set_ticks_valw (HMGL gr, char dir, HCDT val, const wchar_t *lbl, bool add)

Set the manual positions val and its labels lbl for ticks along axis dir. If array val is absent then values equidistantly distributed in interval [Min.x, Max.x] are used. Labels are separated by ‘\n’ symbol. Use SetTicks() to restore automatic ticks.

MGL command: xtick 'templ'
MGL command: ytick 'templ'
MGL command: ztick 'templ'
MGL command: ctick 'templ'
Method on mglGraph: void SetTickTempl (char dir, const char *templ)
Method on mglGraph: void SetTickTempl (char dir, const wchar_t *templ)
C function: void mgl_set_tick_templ (HMGL gr, const char *templ)
C function: void mgl_set_tick_templw (HMGL gr, const wchar_t *templ)

Set template templ for x-,y-,z-axis ticks or colorbar ticks. It may contain TeX symbols also. If templ="" then default template is used (in simplest case it is ‘%.2g’). Setting on template switch off automatic ticks tuning.

MGL command: ticktime 'dir' [dv 'tmpl']
Method on mglGraph: void SetTicksTime (char dir, mreal val, const char *templ)
C function: void mgl_set_ticks_time (HMGL gr, mreal val, const char *templ)

Sets time labels with step val and template templ for x-,y-,z-axis ticks or colorbar ticks. It may contain TeX symbols also. The format of template templ is the same as described in Most common variants are ‘%X’ for national representation of time, ‘%x’ for national representation of date, ‘%Y’ for year with century. If val=0 and/or templ="" then automatic tick step and/or template will be selected. You can use mgl_get_time() function for obtaining number of second for given date/time string. Note, that MS Visual Studio couldn’t handle date before 1970.

C function: double mgl_get_time (const char*str, const char *templ)

Gets number of seconds from 1970 year to specified date/time str. The format of string is specified by templ, which is the same as described in Most common variants are ‘%X’ for national representation of time, ‘%x’ for national representation of date, ‘%Y’ for year with century. Note, that MS Visual Studio couldn’t handle date before 1970.

MGL command: tuneticks val [pos=1.15]
Method on mglGraph: void SetTuneTicks (int tune, mreal pos=1.15)
C function: void mgl_tune_ticks (HMGL gr, int tune, mreal pos)

Switch on/off ticks enhancing by factoring common multiplier (for small, like from 0.001 to 0.002, or large, like from 1000 to 2000, coordinate values – enabled if tune&1 is nonzero) or common component (for narrow range, like from 0.999 to 1.000 – enabled if tune&2 is nonzero). Also set the position pos of common multiplier/component on the axis: =0 at minimal axis value, =1 at maximal axis value. Default value is 1.15. If tune&4 is nonzero then zeros will be added to fixed width of all axis labels.

MGL command: tickshift dx [dy=0 dz=0 dc=0]
Method on mglGraph: void SetTickShift (mglPoint d)
C function: void mgl_set_tick_shift (HMGL gr, mreal dx, mreal dy, mreal dz, mreal dc)

Set value of additional shift for ticks labels.

Method on mglGraph: void SetTickRotate (bool val)
C function: void mgl_set_tick_rotate (HMGL gr, bool val)

Enable/disable ticks rotation if there are too many ticks or ticks labels are too long.

Method on mglGraph: void SetTickSkip (bool val)
C function: void mgl_set_tick_skip (HMGL gr, bool val)

Enable/disable ticks skipping if there are too many ticks or ticks labels are too long.

Method on mglGraph: void SetTimeUTC (bool val)

Enable/disable using UTC time for ticks labels. In C/Fortran you can use mgl_set_flag(gr,val, MGL_USE_GMTIME);.

MGL command: origintick val
Method on mglGraph: void SetOriginTick (bool val=true)

Enable/disable drawing of ticks labels at axis origin. In C/Fortran you can use mgl_set_flag(gr,val, MGL_NO_ORIGIN);.

MGL command: ticklen val [stt=1]
Method on mglGraph: void SetTickLen (mreal val, mreal stt=1)
C function: void mgl_set_tick_len (HMGL gr, mreal val, mreal stt)

The relative length of axis ticks. Default value is 0.1. Parameter stt>0 set relative length of subticks which is in sqrt(1+stt) times smaller.

MGL command: axisstl 'stl' ['tck'='' 'sub'='']
Method on mglGraph: void SetAxisStl (const char *stl="k", const char *tck=0, const char *sub=0)
C function: void mgl_set_axis_stl (HMGL gr, const char *stl, const char *tck, const char *sub)

The line style of axis (stl), ticks (tck) and subticks (sub). If stl is empty then default style is used (‘k’ or ‘w’ depending on transparency type). If tck or sub is empty then axis style is used (i.e. stl).

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