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4.13 Dual plotting

These plotting functions draw two matrix simultaneously. There are 5 generally different types of data representations: surface or isosurface colored by other data (SurfC, Surf3C), surface or isosurface transpared by other data (SurfA, Surf3A), tiles with variable size (TileS), mapping diagram (Map), STFA diagram (STFA). By default (if absent) values of x, y, z are equidistantly distributed in axis range. The minor dimensions of arrays x, y, z, c should be equal. Arrays x, y (and z for Surf3C, Surf3A) can be vectors (not matrices as c). String sch sets the color scheme (see Color scheme) for plot. String opt contain command options (see Command options).

MGL command: surfc zdat cdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: surfc xdat ydat zdat cdat ['sch'='']
Method on mglGraph: void SurfC (const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void SurfC (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_surfc (HMGL gr, HCDT z, HCDT c, const char *sch, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_surfc_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, HCDT c, const char *sch, const char *opt)

The function draws surface specified parametrically {x[i,j], y[i,j], z[i,j]} and color it by matrix c[i,j]. If string sch have symbol ‘#’ then grid lines are drawn. If string sch have symbol ‘.’ then plot by dots is produced. All dimensions of arrays z and c must be equal. Surface is plotted for each z slice of the data. See also surf, surfa, surf3c. See section SurfC sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: surf3c adat cdat val ['sch'='']
MGL command: surf3c xdat ydat zdat adat cdat val ['sch'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Surf3C (mreal val, const mglDataA &a, const mglDataA &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Surf3C (mreal val, const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &a, const mglDataA &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_surf3c_val (HMGL gr, mreal val, HCDT a, HCDT c, const char *sch, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_surf3c_xyz_val (HMGL gr, mreal val, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, HCDT a, HCDT c, const char *sch, const char *opt)

The function draws isosurface plot for 3d array specified parametrically a[i,j,k](x[i,j,k], y[i,j,k], z[i,j,k]) at a(x,y,z)=val. It is mostly the same as surf3 function but the color of isosurface depends on values of array c. If string sch contain ‘#’ then wire plot is produced. If string sch have symbol ‘.’ then plot by dots is produced. See also surf3, surfc, surf3a. See section Surf3C sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: surf3c adat cdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: surf3c xdat ydat zdat adat cdat ['sch'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Surf3C (const mglDataA &a, const mglDataA &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Surf3C (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &a, const mglDataA &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_surf3c (HMGL gr, HCDT a, HCDT c, const char *sch, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_surf3c_xyz (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, HCDT a, HCDT c, const char *sch, const char *opt)

Draws num-th uniformly distributed in color range isosurfaces for 3d data. Here num is equal to parameter value in options opt (default is 3).

MGL command: surfa zdat cdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: surfa xdat ydat zdat cdat ['sch'='']
Method on mglGraph: void SurfA (const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void SurfA (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_surfa (HMGL gr, HCDT z, HCDT c, const char *sch, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_surfa_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, HCDT c, const char *sch, const char *opt)

The function draws surface specified parametrically {x[i,j], y[i,j], z[i,j]} and transparent it by matrix c[i,j]. If string sch have symbol ‘#’ then grid lines are drawn. If string sch have symbol ‘.’ then plot by dots is produced. All dimensions of arrays z and c must be equal. Surface is plotted for each z slice of the data. See also surf, surfc, surf3a. See section SurfA sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: surf3a adat cdat val ['sch'='']
MGL command: surf3a xdat ydat zdat adat cdat val ['sch'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Surf3A (mreal val, const mglDataA &a, const mglDataA &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Surf3A (mreal val, const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &a, const mglDataA &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_surf3a_val (HMGL gr, mreal val, HCDT a, HCDT c, const char *sch, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_surf3a_xyz_val (HMGL gr, mreal val, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, HCDT a, HCDT c, const char *sch, const char *opt)

The function draws isosurface plot for 3d array specified parametrically a[i,j,k](x[i,j,k], y[i,j,k], z[i,j,k]) at a(x,y,z)=val. It is mostly the same as surf3 function but the transparency of isosurface depends on values of array c. If string sch contain ‘#’ then wire plot is produced. If string sch have symbol ‘.’ then plot by dots is produced. See also surf3, surfc, surf3a. See section Surf3A sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: surf3a adat cdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: surf3a xdat ydat zdat adat cdat ['sch'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Surf3A (const mglDataA &a, const mglDataA &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Surf3A (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &a, const mglDataA &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_surf3a (HMGL gr, HCDT a, HCDT c, const char *sch, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_surf3a_xyz (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, HCDT a, HCDT c, const char *sch, const char *opt)

Draws num-th uniformly distributed in color range isosurfaces for 3d data. At this array c can be vector with values of transparency and num=c.nx. In opposite case num is equal to parameter value in options opt (default is 3).

MGL command: tiles zdat rdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: tiles xdat ydat zdat rdat ['sch'='']
Method on mglGraph: void TileS (const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &c, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void TileS (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &r, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_tiles (HMGL gr, HCDT z, HCDT c, const char *sch, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_tiles_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, HCDT r, const char *sch, const char *opt)

The function draws horizontal tiles for surface specified parametrically {x[i,j], y[i,j], z[i,j]}. It is mostly the same as tile but the size of tiles is determined by r array. This is some kind of “transparency” useful for exporting to EPS files. Tiles is plotted for each z slice of the data. See also surfa, tile. See section TileS sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: map udat vdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: map xdat ydat udat vdat ['sch'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Map (const mglDataA &ax, const mglDataA &ay, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Map (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &ax, const mglDataA &ay, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_map (HMGL gr, HCDT ax, HCDT ay, const char *sch, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_map_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT ax, HCDT ay, const char *sch, const char *opt)

The function draws mapping plot for matrices {ax, ay } which parametrically depend on coordinates x, y. The initial position of the cell (point) is marked by color. Height is proportional to Jacobian(ax,ay). This plot is like Arnold diagram ??? If string sch contain symbol ‘.’ then the color ball at matrix knots are drawn otherwise face is drawn. See section Mapping visualization, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: stfa re im dn ['sch'='']
MGL command: stfa xdat ydat re im dn ['sch'='']
Method on mglGraph: void STFA (const mglDataA &re, const mglDataA &im, int dn, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void STFA (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &re, const mglDataA &im, int dn, const char *sch="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_stfa (HMGL gr, HCDT re, HCDT im, int dn, const char *sch, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_stfa_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT re, HCDT im, int dn, const char *sch, const char *opt)

Draws spectrogram of complex array re+i*im for Fourier size of dn points at plane z=Min.z. For example in 1D case, result is density plot of data res[i,j]=|\sum_d^dn exp(I*j*d)*(re[i*dn+d]+I*im[i*dn+d])|/dn with size {int(nx/dn), dn, ny}. At this array re, im parametrically depend on coordinates x, y. The size of re and im must be the same. The minor dimensions of arrays x, y, re should be equal. Arrays x, y can be vectors (not matrix as re). See section STFA sample, for sample code and picture.

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