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6.13 MGL variables

Class mglVar represent MGL variables. It is needed for parsing MGL scripts (see mglParse class). This class is derived from mglData and is defined in #include <mgl2/mgl.h>.

Variable of mglVar: std::wstring s

Name of variable.

Variable of mglVar: mglVar * next
Variable of mglVar: mglVar * prev

Next and previous variable in the list.

Variable of mglVar: bool temp

Flag of the temporary variable. If true the this variable will be removed after script execution.

Variable of mglVar: void void (*func)(void *)

Callback function, which will be called at variable destroying.

Variable of mglVar: void * o

Pointer to external object for callback function.

Constructor on mglVar: mglVar ()

Create variable with size 1*1*1.

Destructor on mglVar: ~mglVar ()

Deletes the instance of class mglVar.

Method on mglVar: void MoveAfter (mglVar *var)

Move variable after var in the list.

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