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1.7 Thanks
- My special thanks to my wife for the patience during the writing of this library and for the help in documentation writing and spelling.
- I’m thankful to my coauthors D. Kulagin and M. Vidassov for help in developing MathGL.
- I’m thankful to D. Eftaxiopoulos, V. Lipatov and S.M. Plis for making binary packages for Linux.
- I’m thankful to S. Skobelev, C. Mikhailenko, M. Veysman, A. Prokhorov, A. Korotkevich, V. Onuchin, S.M. Plis, R. Kiselev, A. Ivanov, N. Troickiy and V. Lipatov for fruitful comments.
- I’m thankful to sponsors M. Veysman (IHED RAS) and A. Prokhorov (DATADVANCE).
Javascript interface was developed with support of DATADVANCE company.
This document was generated on March 21, 2014 using texi2html 5.0.