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14.2.14 Numeric Input Conversions

This section describes the scanf conversions for reading numeric values.

The ‘%d’ conversion matches an optionally signed integer in decimal radix.

The ‘%i’ conversion matches an optionally signed integer in any of the formats that the C language defines for specifying an integer constant.

For example, any of the strings ‘10’, ‘0xa’, or ‘012’ could be read in as integers under the ‘%i’ conversion. Each of these specifies a number with decimal value 10.

The ‘%o’, ‘%u’, and ‘%x’ conversions match unsigned integers in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal radices, respectively.

The ‘%X’ conversion is identical to the ‘%x’ conversion. They both permit either uppercase or lowercase letters to be used as digits.

Unlike the C language scanf, Octave ignores the ‘h’, ‘l’, and ‘L’ modifiers.

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